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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 04, 2013, 08:06pm
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Originally Posted by Publius View Post
You should. I'm always willing to bet with anyone on the quality of LL umpires over the course of a season.

I'll give my opponent a dollar for every good one we see, and he gives me a nickel for every bad one we see. I won't win every bet, but I'll walk away with more money at the end of the season.
So I assume you are a coach? How is umpiring your own games going to work out for you? What an arrogant statement to make, and its wrong on so many levels. My only hope is that you were joking.
Bob P.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 05, 2013, 07:44am
Stirrer of the Pot
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Originally Posted by dysfunctional View Post
The league umpire in chief and two managers from higher level teams were all on the field... I'll just leave it at that.
Three adults working an 8-10 Minors regular season game? Overkill.

"Two managers from higher level teams" may not even make one-half of a decent umpire. Just because someone knows how to manage a team, that doesn't mean diddly when it comes to positioning, judgment, rules knowledge, etc. etc. Heck, for all we know, their managerial skills are probably suspect as well.

And I'll be quite frank, a league UIC could also mean nothing in terms of skills. In my neck, the vast majority of the guys and gals who have spent time as a league UIC did it because nobody else in the league wanted the responsibility. Their qualifications may be nothing more than having one or two years of umpiring experience and attending a class or two to make them "certified".
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 05, 2013, 08:49am
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Originally Posted by dysfunctional View Post
The league umpire in chief and two managers from higher level teams were all on the field... I'll just leave it at that.
No offense to you or your league, sir... but you have no framework to understand what you're being told, as evidenced by your statement here that you think should tell us that quality umpires were there, but in fact does not.

I've been asked to help out with LL leagues several times over my career. When I agree to do so, I'm appalled by the awful umpires they are employing, and yes, sir, that usually includes the league UIC. Without exception (so far at least) - they have NO training, NO certification, NO inclination to visit sites like this to improve their craft (a couple on this site an obvious exception - but no one like that in the leagues I helped out). Many are coaches simply filling up a uniform because they are required to. Several are well-meaning people who are there for the kids, but simply have no direction, no clinics, etc. And the UIC's have no idea how bad it is because they don't ever set their toes in other ponds to see what it's SUPPOSED to be like.

Telling us the UIC and 2 higher level managers were around means absolutely nothing.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 05, 2013, 08:50am
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Originally Posted by RPatrino View Post
So I assume you are a coach? How is umpiring your own games going to work out for you? What an arrogant statement to make, and its wrong on so many levels. My only hope is that you were joking.
Bob, in my experience, Publius would make money in such a system. Easily. And possibly never pay out even dollar one.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 05, 2013, 12:21pm
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
Bob, in my experience, Publius would make money in such a system. Easily. And possibly never pay out even dollar one.
There'd be a tie every game - the loser would claim the ump was bad and the winner would say he was OK.
Rich Ives
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 06, 2013, 02:07pm
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I'd take it up with your division rep. Just ask "is the hit batter rule in our local rules? I know it's not a Little League rule, and I'd like some clarification on it".

Let your division rep do their job.

Don't make a big deal of it (it sounds like you didn't, and bravo for you). If your UIC isn't aware of this, going through your rep is probably the best way to go.

Or, you could always lodge a formal protest if it's imposed on you during a game. You have options, but I'd go with the former route first.
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