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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 01, 2011, 06:53pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 685
More NCAA timing Rule Adjustments

As those of you who do NCAA baseball, the new timing rule shave already undergone some changes. Here is the latest on it, and i rec'd it just a few moments ago via e-mail (please note, there are other items included):

RE: Timing Concerns

Please read the entire selection below. The new interpretation has been highlighted.

Also, a loophole was closed in the rule as well. Previously it was possible for a pitcher to be penalized (one ball added to count on batter) for a 90-second violation between innings and then mistakenly be allowed to continue to take his remaining warm-up throws. Now, it has been determined that when a pitcher violates that 90-second interval because he has taken too long to complete his warm-up throws, the plate umpire will immediately institute the 20-second pitch clock protocol after the (ball added to the count) penalty is assessed.

This means that the pitcher must immediately cease in his preliminary warm-up pitches. There will be no throw-down to second by the catcher. The home plate umpire will immediately request the batter take his place in the box and the inning will commence. The 20-second interval countdown will begin by rule.

To be in compliance with this rule and to implement this protocol, conferences may choose to instruct on-field umpires to use a timing device (e.g., stopwatch). To be clear, the intent of the rules committee is not to mandate a visible clock.
1. The 20-second time limit (or clock) starts when the pitcher receives the ball on the mound and stops when the pitcher begins his pitching motion. The time limit (or clock) is used only when the bases are unoccupied. If a pitcher violates the 20-second rule he shall be warned by the umpire. After a pitcher is warned, if he continues to violate the rule a ball will be awarded for each violation. There is one warning per pitcher.
2. A pitcher stepping off the rubber does not stop the time limit (or clock) unless the umpire grants the pitcher time.
3. The time (or clock) is paused for the pitcher to reach the mound area if the pitcher is out of the 18-foot circle for the purpose of making or backing up a play. The time (or clock) is paused if a player is returning to his position (a batter- runner returning to the plate after a foul ball or a fielder returning after attempting to field a foul ball). If the catcher holds the ball and does not throw it back IMMEDIATELY to the pitcher, the time (or clock) will start. If a batter runs on a foul ball, the time (or clock) will not start until he returns to the dirt area of the plate, unless he delays his return. Common sense delays, such as but not limited to, when a player asks for time to tie his shoes, clean his glasses, etc., the time (or clock) is paused but clock should resume when the umpire signals play. The player in question does not get a reset of the full 20-seconds.
4. A strike results if the batter is not in the box ready to take the pitch with five seconds or less showing on the clock and time expires. When there is a timing or clock violation, no pitch will result and either a ball or strike is called depending on the violation and any ensuing play is nullified. Following a team warning, if a coach, student-athlete, manager or any other non playing personnel argues any penalty or timing procedure they are subject to immediate ejection. The head coach is allowed to bring a clock malfunction or misapplication of protocol to the umpireˇ¦s attention.
Coaches, student-athletes and umpires are to adhere to Rule 7-1c as written related to the Batter's Box Rule.
A.R.Umpires are to enforce this rule as written. If the line(s) of the batter's box have been erased, the umpire shall require that upon the batter's initial stance, both feet are to be no closer than six (6) inches from the inside edge of home plate.
A penalty is not automatic when the batter is not in the batterˇ¦s box with five seconds or less showing, as long as play continues without a visible signal or there is no violation.
5. The time (or clock) is paused if the batter is granted time by the umpire with five or more seconds showing on the clock. The request for time by the batter must be for legitimate reasons and is not to be granted if the request is to delay the game. Unless unusual circumstances warrant, time will not be granted to the batter with less than five seconds remaining.
If the pitcher and batter are in position when the time (or clock) reaches zero, the umpire will call TIME¨ before awarding the ball or strike.
In judging guilt, if neither the pitcher nor batter is ready, the pitcher is responsible. A batter does not have to be ready to hit when the pitcher is off the rubber. A batter must not be allowed to get ready to hit just before the five-second limit, and then request time. He may be granted time if the pitcher holds him too long in his batting position.
6. If the time limit expires at the same time the pitcher begins his windup, there is no penalty and any signal is ignored
7. The 20-second time limit is in effect for the entire game (extra innings included).
It is the plate umpires job to administer the clock and any penalties when there is a visible clock in the outfield. If there is no visible clock in the outfield the clock is kept by the base umpire.
8. When resuming the time clock, the umpire will point the ball back in play. When resetting the time or clock is necessary, the plate umpire will signal with a hand held high above the head and rotated in a horizontal arc.
1. If there are unusual circumstances that prevent either team from getting on or off the field, other common sense delays such as ceremonies or field maintenance not the fault of the teams, or an injury the time clock is delayed until players have had an opportunity to begin to move to their positions.

Otherwise, the time (clock) starts when the last defensive player has crossed the foul line on his way to the dugout and stops when the pitcher begins his windup for the first pitch to the first batter of the inning.

If the offensive team is not ready within the 90-second or 108-second time limit, the umpire shall call a strike. If the defense is not ready, a ball shall be awarded to the batter.
2. For non-televised games (Internet streaming does not qualify), teams have 90-seconds to be ready to pitch and to have a batter ready to step into the batterˇ¦s box after the end of each half-inning. At the beginning of a game for a starting pitcher or for any subsequent relief pitcher, the clock should start when they begin their first warm up pitch; however, by rule they are entitled to eight pitches without penalty. Should the clock expire, they will be allowed to complete their eight warm up pitches.
3. For televised games the time shall be 108 seconds between each half-inning unless specified by NCAA or Conference contract provisions. The home institution will notify the visiting team and umpires if there will be an extension of the 108-second provision.
4. With 30-seconds left, the base umpire will visually cue the plate umpire who will then signal to the pitcher and catcher 30 seconds left (usually enough time for two warm up pitches) and summon the lead-off batter to the plate.
5. Continuing pitchers shall have the 90- to 108-second time limit to complete their five warm-up pitches.
6. If the catcher is the 3rd out or on base when the 3rd out is made, the offensive team should have someone ready to warm-up the pitcher. Umpires will not grant additional warm-ups if the 90- or 108-second time limit expires. In the event that the catcher was on base or the last to bat: if the catcher is not out at the 30 seconds left reminder, (another player is warming up the catcher) then you are to hold the pitcher up with one pitch left and wait on the game catcher to arrive. This will allow the game catcher to throw the ball down.
7. Following a team warning, if a coach, student-athlete, manager or any non-playing personnel argues any penalty or timing procedure, they are subject to immediate ejection. The head coach is allowed to bring a clock malfunction or misapplication of the protocol to the umpire's attention.
8. The 90 or 108- second pitch clock rule is enforced even if a coach/player continues to argue an inning ending play and the clock expires.
Each Conference will determine if a visible clock will be used for all games or conference games only and if the time clock will be kept by the umpire crew on the field. If a conference determines to use a visible clock, the clock shall be positioned on the outfield scoreboard or atop the outfield fence either in left or right centerfield. The clock should be readily visible to the batter, catcher and home plate umpire.
Individual schools within a conference are not to determine if they will install a visible clock. If a conference does not approve that a visible clock will be used for all games or conference games only, the time limits are to be kept by the umpires on the field.
Each Conference is responsible for developing guidelines for training qualified individuals to operate the clock during games.
If the time clock malfunctions, time will be kept on the field by the 2nd base umpire in a four-man or six-man crew; 3rd base umpire in a three-man crew; and the base umpire in a two-man crew.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 01, 2011, 06:54pm
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 685
Other notes from ther 3/1 NCAA conference Call

Other concerns as discussed during the March 1 conference call include:

1. Umpires are asked to review the protocol for handling protests. Specifically, the pressbox personnel must be notified so the PA announcer will announce that the game is being played under protest.

2. Umpires are asked to help coaches realize that they are not to leave the dugout or coaching box to argue either called third strikes or check swings. A coach who leaves his position in this regard is subject to ejection after a warning is issued. Coaches who violate this protocol must be warned at all times-this action must not go unpunished either with a warning or warning and then ejection for failure to comply with the rules pertaining to arguing balls and strikes.

When writing ejection reports, all umpires are asked to also include the actions of the coach or player in question after the ejection was made.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 01, 2011, 06:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 685
Have at it!

Anyone did any games where the clock was an issue?
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