Originally Posted by steveshane67
Where are you getting this from????
all he said was "i can take as much time as i want". he obviously didnt know the rules about the batter cant take as much time as they want. there was no "you cant tell me what to do attitude, only a simple misunderstanding of the rules"
Here is where he is getting it from:
Originally Posted by from the OP
He stepped out of the batter's box, started to say something under his breath. I told him lets go, then he proceeded to turn toward his dugout, practice his GOLF SWING. I again told him lets go.... he then proceeded to tell me "I CAN TAKE AS LONG AS I WANT"..... so I said give me a new batter, the batter is EJ!!!
Please take notice of the CAPITALIZED LETTERS. Now, did you hear that? I just yelled at you!!! ARE YOU HEARING THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY KEYBOARD?????
Looks to me like the OP is demonstrating that the batter yelled at the umpire. He most definitely wasn't just "unfamiliar with the rule."
Hey, did you know that you are the only one here who doesn't understand this? Maybe it's not us after all.