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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 06, 2008, 11:27pm
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Originally Posted by Dave Davies View Post
And a Tag, according to J/R
Roder does not speak for MLB...just the umpire union.

Last edited by MrUmpire; Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 12:28am.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 06, 2008, 11:56pm
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I felt it was a dropped ball, no tag. In watching the replay, you can see U3 didn't watch the entire play. He was calling the runner out as Veritek (sp?)was falling.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 12:07am
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Thinking of a tag at the plate where the tag is made and the catcher falls backwards and the ball falls out of the glove after hitting the ground. Safe. Why is contact with this tag any different? He was not able to fully control the ball. When does the play end?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 12:27am
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Originally Posted by blue83 View Post
Thinking of a tag at the plate where the tag is made and the catcher falls backwards and the ball falls out of the glove after hitting the ground. Safe. Why is contact with this tag any different? He was not able to fully control the ball. When does the play end?
Caveat: I have not yet seen the play.

Question: Did the ball drop as a result of the tag or action after the tag?

In the case of the play at the plate cited above, the ball falls out of the glove due to the tag. Compare that with F2 tagging a runner, and then taking two steps towards the infield and then having the ball fall to the ground. Did he hold it long enough?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 01:04am
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if you watch the play in regular speed, not super slow-mo, I don't think the correct call was made. The ball most certainly didn't meet the "long enough" standard. I've seen outfielders catch balls and then run five or six steps into the wall and lose possession, and these have been emphatically called, "no catch." Varitek did nothing to demonstrate either control or voluntary release as well. It is my opinion that if Varitek had held the ball after colliding with the ground, then as he was showing the ball it fell out, it would be an out, and he would have had it long enough. But to tag the runner then hit the ground in the same motion dropping the ball on impact, that's stretching it a little.

Varitek tagged the runner and in the same motion his mitt slammed into the ground dislodging the ball. In the meantime, Tim Welke was already signaling and calling the out before the ball even popped out. He called the out the nanosecond the tag was applied and did not even see the ball pop out. Absolutlely terrible timing on his part. I know that he was trained as we all were to see the entire play through until the action stops before making his call. He most definitely did not do that on this play.

If I were making the call, I would have waited until action had ceased, while keeping my eyes everalastingly on the baseball (as the rules instruct). I would have seen the ball rolling away and called the runner safe. This isn't football...the ground certainly can cause a fumble.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 01:58am
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Pool night, juke box playing, but I caught the blown squeeze attempt outta the corner of my eye, only saw it once; but it looked like the end result was safe:

Here's why I disagee and agree:

Safe call; nobody bats an eye, per definitions above. I'd almost agree with that..

Out: sure, and what he called. F2 made the tag, gathered himself (like he thought he missed him) and made a "second" (unessacary lunge and tag) which was then followed by the drop, seems "long enough" was the call.
And from what I saw, blue, called the out when he saw "F2 gather himself".

So what's "long enough" looks like, if you have the ability to "re-tag an already out runner", that's long enough.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 05:20am
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Regardless of how we feel, the call was verified by the MLB head of umpiring (Leppard) and a new standard was set that (for better or worse) we'll be expected to uphold cause everyone will remember this play.

I like the call. It was two distinct motions -- he held the ball securely during and after the tag and only then did he fall and have the glove bang on the ground. I always felt J/R was pissing into the wind on this particular play anyway.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 08:18am
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve View Post
if you watch the play in regular speed, not super slow-mo, I don't think the correct call was made. The ball most certainly didn't meet the "long enough" standard. I've seen outfielders catch balls and then run five or six steps into the wall and lose possession, and these have been emphatically called, "no catch." Varitek did nothing to demonstrate either control or voluntary release as well. It is my opinion that if Varitek had held the ball after colliding with the ground, then as he was showing the ball it fell out, it would be an out, and he would have had it long enough. But to tag the runner then hit the ground in the same motion dropping the ball on impact, that's stretching it a little.

Varitek tagged the runner and in the same motion his mitt slammed into the ground dislodging the ball. In the meantime, Tim Welke was already signaling and calling the out before the ball even popped out. He called the out the nanosecond the tag was applied and did not even see the ball pop out. Absolutlely terrible timing on his part. I know that he was trained as we all were to see the entire play through until the action stops before making his call. He most definitely did not do that on this play.

If I were making the call, I would have waited until action had ceased, while keeping my eyes everalastingly on the baseball (as the rules instruct). I would have seen the ball rolling away and called the runner safe. This isn't football...the ground certainly can cause a fumble.

Exactly my take on the play. Also I was bothered by the constant explaination that there is a difference at home vs at other bases on a tag play.

Then I heard the same thing on Sportscenter this morning -

  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 09:06am
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve View Post
In the meantime, Tim Welke was already signaling and calling the out before the ball even popped out. He called the out the nanosecond the tag was applied and did not even see the ball pop out.
That's what I saw too. Welke kept his eyes on the spot of the initial tag, and couldn't have seen the ball pop out. The rest was a sales job (and a good one at that). If Hargrove had persisted and convinced Welke to consult with his partners, I think there's a very good chance the call would have been reversed (and the post game sales job would be 180° different).

Now imagine what Welke was going through. He had to sell the out call (control when the tag was made, before the ball popped out, blah, blah, blah) having no idea when or why Varitek dropped the ball. I would have been soiling my drawers.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 12:09am
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Originally Posted by justanotherblue View Post
I felt it was a dropped ball, no tag. In watching the replay, you can see U3 didn't watch the entire play. He was calling the runner out as Veritek (sp?)was falling.
I saw that too. He never watched the catcher bounce, and release the ball. I guess it just didn't matter because he had control of the ball during the tag.
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