Originally Posted by Striker991
What a wonderful community citizen you are. An example for all to follow. You and Rut are wonderfull illustrators of the point I'm trying to make. I'm not sure what your religion is, but you may want to research the origins of your faith...I'm not judging here, but your writing and the writings you may be claiming to follow might be contradictory...your "God" may have a different opinion than the one you share here.
My faith is Christianity, which is not a religion, it is a belief system. I didn't say that I would not volunteer for
anything. Now you are putting words in my mouth. I said I would not umpire youth baseball for free. I also stated that if you wished to build houses with President Carter (note the respectful capitalization), then you are certainly welcome to do so.
Since you have now tried to impune my character, I will give you a peek into my life:
I did not mean to suggest that I don't do anything voluntarily. I volunteer for events with the churches I attend (I attend 3 different churches). I tithe and give offerings, which go towards missions work, feeding and clothing the poor, and many other charitable causes. I also help my wife care for her 86 year old aunt, who we rescued from a nursing home last year, as she was recovering from her stroke. We took her into our home, and provide all forms of care for her. I will spare you the gory details, but suffice to say, the work I do 3 or 4 days out of the week is the same thing they have to do in nursing homes.
I volunteered one time to serve my country, and proudly served three years in the Army. I did this during the time of an unpopular war, so it wasn't exactly a picnic dealing with civilian population at that time. I was, and still am, very patriotic and civic minded. Like the song says, "I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today."
But I repeat, it is
not a civic duty to volunteer for anything. That is what makes it volunteer, the fact that it is optional, and
not manditory servitude.