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Old Sat Jul 22, 2006, 01:55pm
TussAgee11 TussAgee11 is offline
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Parking lots... where the clowns live

Only got 2.5 in today due to rain. I'm PU, partner, who does NCAA games as well, is BU. In the first inning, assistant coach from the dugout yells time and tells the RF to tie his shoe. BU is in A. Gives him 15 seconds or so, fielder stands up and is ready to go.

Then the ASSistantcoach starts approaching the RF (partner later said that the shoe was never untied, most likely) to "help him". BU sends him back where he came from, much to his shagrin.

After the game, I'm getting into my car, partner went across the road to check on the restaurant and see if we could get a table. Coach comes up to me and asks if I'll be there for the continuation of this one. I told him "no", he said "what about the other guy", I said "no", to which he replied "good, that guy has no clue out there".

I said "coach, we are not doing this right now. I will not listen to this, he is an NCAA umpire and a damn good one"

He sulked back to his car, saying on the way "they are only 9".

Lord, I got to stop doing this lower level crap. LL district is fine, but these special tournaments just kill me sometimes. Can't wait until they let me do HS games... have to be 21 here

Thanks for letting me rant.