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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 19, 2006, 11:45am
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Ontario, CANADA
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Looking high and low for a rule...

Had a situation that frankly I couldn't care less about, but it got back to the umpire's association and they upheld the complaint, so here it is-

TWICE in the same game, the visiting manager complained to me that the home team was using "players in the bullpen that are in the current lineup". On the first occasion, during an extended half inning, the home team sent the starting/current pitcher to the bullpen to stay warm. The second time, the home team had the starting/current catcher warming up a reliever.

Each time, the visiting manager argued that a player in the lineup cannot be used in the bullpen. He wasn't mad about it, just pointing it out, and disappointed that I didn't remove them. My arguement was that they weren't gaining an advantage, and that I was not aware of a rule forbidding it.

Well, he mentioned it to another unmpire, who took it to "the powers that be". They decided that the coach was right, and that players in the lineup should NOT be used in the bullpen. When I asked for supporting documentation, they said that they would find it...but can't.

To pre-empt any clarifying questions, it was a senior men's semi-pro game, OBR rules, bullpens were in the field of play, down the baselines.

I'm not interested in what the league should've done, or what I should've said, or what the coach must've meant...just the rule.

If anyone has any supporting documentation on this (OBR only) or has heard this before, any help would be appreciated.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 19, 2006, 12:03pm
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Posts: 1,718
The coach was using a rule that doesn't exist in OBR. And "the powers that be" supprted him. Apparently the powers haven't read OBR either. They are even dumber than the coach, because "the powers that be" should know the rules.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 19, 2006, 12:11pm
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Posts: 446
So I guess this means that on a 40 degree day, players can't keep their arms and legs loose by taking a jog or throwing a little bit. Ridiculous. Would your "powers that be" say that they can't go behind the dugout or fence or whatever the case may be to do the same thing? Was the complaint more that players in the game were doing extra throwing, or that they were using the bullpen to do it? Either way, again, ridiculous.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 19, 2006, 12:27pm
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I agree with BlueZebra that there is no such rule, the coach is making stuff up, and the "powers that be" are drinking kool-aid they really shouldn't ought to.

The closest thing I can find that actually addresses your question are the following excerpts from the MLBUM:

.... During the progress of a game, all players and personnel of a club must be on the bench except when they have some duty to perform as coaches, base runners, batter, or on-deck batter. Players of the side at bat will not be permitted to fraternize with players in the bullpen either of their own or of the visiting club, but must come to their own bench even if, in their judgment, they are not likely to bat in the inning.

Only pitchers, catchers, players serving as catchers, and coaches should be permitted to stay in the bullpen during the game.

A substitute player who will enter the game at the end of a half inning or a designated hitter who will enter the game as a defensive player will be permitted to warm up in the bullpen.




A game pitcher may return to the bullpen between innings, provided doing so does not delay the game in any manner.
By my read, the players were perfectly legal in their actions in the bullpen as long as it wasn't unduly delaying the game.

Feel free to share this with "the powers that be".

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