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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 10:57am
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Newburgh NY
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Originally Posted by Hock9
How do you guys handle a true "rat's rat", ie: someone who always has an "under his breath" comment every time he walks by, ie" something like "you're struggling today", or "I don't have to say anything to you, because the crowd's getting on you now", or other non-profane, immature, no-class, rodent-like comments (heard by no one else, with no overt overtures, no arm waving, etc)

Let the coach have his say and IMO give it back to him.

"Hey skip I might be having a bad day but not as bad as yours is going to get when Mr / Mrs Jones confronts you about not giving their son playing time when his replacement has already committed 3 errors and K'd twice"

Also, break up the moment with a little humor. On his next time by say "Skip have a lifesaver" it does wonders.

Also, do what we do best - Simply tune it out.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 11:27am
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[QUOTE=WhatWuzThatBlue]I guess it depends on what level of ball you are working. The comments you mentioned in the original post wouldn't get more than a smirk from me. We call it gamesmanship and he may be doing it to see how far he can push, to get a rise out of you and get dumped or to rally his team. If I tossed a guy for those comments, it would be me that would be looking for other assignments. My assignor would be stupified and I would be embarassed.

Maybe this should be another thread but IMO it is an important matter in answering many of these type questions.

Is umpiring your Profession or one's hobby.

IMO, your answer is "right-on" for someone who umpires professionally or aspires to umpire professionally or at the D1 college level. However, for the average amateur umpire it may be different.


Umpiring for the average amateur is a hobby. Yes it's important to get training etc. but in reality some of us umpire games right after work. We are not supposed to take our work problems at home or on the field but we are human or at least I think we are.

Therefore, as an amateur, sometimes you just have enough of a coach when they constantly stop by and give their under the breath comments especially in the heat. Also, more often than not it's his team that could use the comments, meaning they are not hustling or doing what they are supposed to.

Also, you will probably see this particular coach on several occassions throughout the year. Even though we should do the things you mentioned in your post, sometimes especially after a "tough day at the office" you simply had enough of this guy and eject him.

Will it mean no more assignments - NO because there is already a shortage at least in my area. Will it mean lessor type assignments - maybe but 7 innings is 7 innings and the FEE's are the same.

In Summary: There are certain things you can try, etc. but sometimes especially if this coach is doing it all game long as he passes by it's time to say "See Ya"

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 04:05pm
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I have a few: "Coach, end the comments and stay in the game."

"Don't vex me." This usually confounds coach so much that he reverts to his Webster's. Just a simple, three-letter verb works wonders.

"I won't hear this a third time."

"This [talk/arm waving/whatever] will now cease."

Ace Holleran
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 05:21pm
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Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
Don't escalate the volume of the conversation. On the other hand, when you've had enough, say so without shouting. "Coach, I've heard enough about my strike zone today."

One very effective technique I've seen applied without using it yet myself goes something like this:

Coach comes out to 1B Ump to argue safe/out call. On his way back, he says, in a normal voice, to 3B Ump something like: "Your partner sucks today and you ain't any better."

3B Ump:"You really think so?"

Coach (stops): "Yep."

3B Ump (normal voice, no gesture yet): "You, Sir, are ejected."

Coach now screams and throws fit. 3B Ump NOW makes the heave-ho gesture.

I thought it was clever, if not a little deceptive.

Strikes and outs!
Just made me smile and brought back one of my favorite coach/umpire between inning dialogs I've ever had.

In 1990, I was working a "big" varsity game, and it was around the 5th inning, and I was doing quite well (At least in my opinion, anyway).

Between innings, the head coach of the visiting team (anyone from SoCal probably knows or knows of this guy) comes up to me on the foul line and says, "Steve, you see that umpire over there?" He nods in the direction of my partner in short RF. I say, "Yeah, what about him?" He says, "Well, I think you're doing a helluva good job, be he thinks you're horsesh*t!"

I just chuckled because it was funny.

He tried to pull it on me the next year. I guess he didn't remember or thought I wouldn't remember, I'm not sure. He gets to the punch line again, but I beat him to it and say, "Coach, I think you're a great coach, but my partner thinks you're gone!" And he laughed, and I laughed, and continued the game.

Sometimes you have to leave the gun in the holster, like WW says.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 05:45pm
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 760
Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
I guess it depends on what level of ball you are working. The comments you mentioned in the original post wouldn't get more than a smirk from me. We call it gamesmanship and he may be doing it to see how far he can push, to get a rise out of you and get dumped or to rally his team. If I tossed a guy for those comments, it would be me that would be looking for other assignments. My assignor would be stupified and I would be embarassed.
Originally Posted by PeteBooth
[Maybe this should be another thread but IMO it is an important matter in answering many of these type questions.

Is umpiring your Profession or one's hobby.

IMO, your answer is "right-on" for someone who umpires professionally or aspires to umpire professionally or at the D1 college level. However, for the average amateur umpire it may be different.


Umpiring for the average amateur is a hobby. Yes it's important to get training etc. but in reality some of us umpire games right after work. We are not supposed to take our work problems at home or on the field but we are human or at least I think we are.

Therefore, as an amateur, sometimes you just have enough of a coach when they constantly stop by and give their under the breath comments especially in the heat. Also, more often than not it's his team that could use the comments, meaning they are not hustling or doing what they are supposed to.

Also, you will probably see this particular coach on several occassions throughout the year. Even though we should do the things you mentioned in your post, sometimes especially after a "tough day at the office" you simply had enough of this guy and eject him.

Will it mean no more assignments - NO because there is already a shortage at least in my area. Will it mean lessor type assignments - maybe but 7 innings is 7 innings and the FEE's are the same.

In Summary: There are certain things you can try, etc. but sometimes especially if this coach is doing it all game long as he passes by it's time to say "See Ya"

Pete Booth
While we could probably start another thread about this, I believe I mentioned that my thoughts are based on THE LEVEL OF BALL YOU ARE WORKING. Since I base my opinion on my experience, suffice to say that I met your prerequisites.

That said, it is important not to diminish the amateur umpire. Just because the guy is coming from work and is doing it as a hobby doesn't mean that he shouldn't behave better than the Dad who steps in from the stands. We wear uniforms to put us in the mindset of a professional. We get paid to do a job and do it well. I hate it when I hear guys grumble about giving an effort equal to the talent on the field. WTF? When you are sadlled with the bottom feeders of your conference, do you do a horsepoopy job??? The comments made in the first post shouldn't really get a rise out of anyone working Varsity ball either. Some elite travel teams have some (locally) renowned coaches who can often pull the same stuff. They typically see the best umpires when they go to tourneys so they expect everyone to be that caliber. Gamesmanship has its place in baseball.

Lastly, as an amateur umpire you need to strive not to bring your problems to the field. Yes, we live in a real world with divorce, downsizing, braces, disease and car payments. Leave the crap in your trunk or locker room. Would you put up witha coach that just found out that his teenage daughter was expelled from school for selling drugs to support her pimp boyfriend who just got her pregnant? See...
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz

Last edited by WhatWuzThatBlue; Thu Jun 29, 2006 at 05:47pm.
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