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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 12:07am
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Yayyyy, Dave!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 12:20am
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Fed rules, you bet that kid is gone for yelling it on a field for everyone to hear. He says something quietly I just give him a "friendly" warning. He says it so I can hear it from 10-15 feet away, I tell the coach that his player is close to being tossed for language and let him take care of it. Most of the time they appreciate me letting them handle it. Some times it is with a talking to, sometimes they bench the player.
You had a situation that could have blown up very quickly. A nice easy going game has the "winning" team puckering up and the team comng back fired up due to it getting tight pretty quickly.. You cut it off and per rules and POE you handled it the way you should have. Everyone on the field and in the stands knows the kid cussed. They know he deserved to be dumped.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 02:58am
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Originally posted by Dave Hensley

My policy is, if it's a word you can hear on primetime network television, I'm not going to get my jock in a wad over it. And in case you haven't watched TV lately, that actually provides for a fairly liberal vocabulary to be tolerated.

If it's an R-rated cussword uttered at a volume level that the women and kids in the stands can hear, then you have to run the kid. Otherwise, if the profanity is not aimed at me, I probably am not going to hear it at all. If it's aimed at an opposing player (or the bench, as was the case in the first post in this thread) I'm just going to tell the kid to knock it off.

Actually, of the "Seven Words You Can't Say On Television", I think only 2 are now OK on [broadcast] network TV.

Dave's last quoted paragraph is the standard I've been taught.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 06:52am
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Originally posted by cbfoulds
Actually, of the "Seven Words You Can't Say On Television", I think only 2 are now OK on [broadcast] network TV.
Well, I watch a lot of cable, too.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 07:27am
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Thanks for all the feedback. I see the points with the warnings, but, since it was FED rules with the POEs, sportsmanship, etc., at least to me it seemed that a warning wasn't warranted. That being said, I wanted to get some coaches opinions on this too because let's say you're the 3rd base coach for Team A, and F1 has just yelled this into your dugout. Now if I don't toss F1, I know plenty of coaches who are going to have a very large problem with that.

As for the rest of the game, there were no problems. Team A ended up coming back to take the lead on a GS in the 6th and held on in the 7th.
I know God would never give me more than I could handle, I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 08:25am
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Re: No no no

Originally posted by David B
Originally posted by DG
Originally posted by tmp44
15-16 yr olds, FED rules, I'm BU. Team B (visitors) is up 7-2 going into the Bottom of the 5th. Team A has made a comeback and it's now 7-6 with 1 out. Team B brings in a new F1 who on first pitch throws a ball. On the pitch, I was in the C. As the pitcher gets the ball back from the catcher, he looks into the Team A dugout (3rd base line) and yells "Oh so we're going to start talking sh!t now!" I immediately called time and ejected F1. At no time did I hear anything come from Team A's dugout, and there had been no problems before this in the game. Team B HC didn't complain to me directly, but I heard him say later that it was one of the weakest ejections he had ever seen. Did I jump the gun here? If so, what should I have done? For you coaches out there, what would your perspective of this had been if you were 1) Team B coach and 2) Team A coach?
If it was loud enough for everyone to hear toss him and don't give it another thought.
As Steve said, this is big boys ball and you let them do some of these things.

There had to be something said to instigate it.

Simply stop it with a warning and play.

I'd hate to be playing in a game with all of the "rabbit ear" umpires I'm reading on this board.

You've hit on one of my pet peeves, David. You cannot possibly have RABBIT EARS when it involves partcipants in the game, whether on the field, in the dugout, etc. If it's said loud enough for you to hear it, it becomes a game management decision at that point. Ignore it, shut the player up, eject -- those are all possible outcomes, but don't use the phrase "rabbit ears" as if it's the umpire's fault he heard something from someone involved in the game.

Anyone playing in a game that makes any reference to rabbit ears get ejected immediately.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 08:29am
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Originally posted by Dave Hensley
I was working the plate in a 15/16 yearold game a week ago when my partner tossed F6 for cussing. I didn't hear what the kid said, but I just assumed he threw an F-bomb.

Between innings pard came in for a drink of water and I asked him if the kid threw an F-bomb. "No, he used the D-word." It took me a minute to realize my pard tossed a 16 yearold for saying "damn" on the field. THAT is over-officous in the extreme.

My policy is, if it's a word you can hear on primetime network television, I'm not going to get my jock in a wad over it. And in case you haven't watched TV lately, that actually provides for a fairly liberal vocabulary to be tolerated.

If it's an R-rated cussword uttered at a volume level that the women and kids in the stands can hear, then you have to run the kid. Otherwise, if the profanity is not aimed at me, I probably am not going to hear it at all. If it's aimed at an opposing player (or the bench, as was the case in the first post in this thread) I'm just going to tell the kid to knock it off.

Damn? What an over-officious buffoon.

In the original situation, I guess I'd have to be there. But I would probably go to the mound and have a little chat with the pitcher rather than eject. Of course, had this just been the escalation of crap that had preceeded, an ejection may have been warranted.

I've only had one ejection this season thus far -- HS shortstop who decided to tell me a call was "f%$#ing terrible."
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 09:04am
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I cannot picture a time that "Damn" (said by itself) could lead to an ejection even in FED.

To me, "damn" is not a swear word.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 09:38pm
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Re: Well,

Originally posted by Tim C
I cannot picture a time that "Damn" (said by itself) could lead to an ejection even in FED.

To me, "damn" is not a swear word.
I agree, but some would say this word is profanity. Just curious, what words do you consider ejection words?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 09, 2005, 10:00pm
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Anything that contains f*ck or GD. Personally I thing GD is worse. If it is loud enough I toss for sure, probably a stearn warning and I tattle to the coach if I just hear it. If it is directed at themselves I just speak with them and no one else needs to know.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 10, 2005, 12:42am
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Originally posted by w_sohl
Anything that contains f*ck or GD. Personally I thing GD is worse. If it is loud enough I toss for sure, probably a stearn warning and I tattle to the coach if I just hear it. If it is directed at themselves I just speak with them and no one else needs to know.
GD to a non-religious person is no more offensive than shucks or darn.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 10, 2005, 04:55pm
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Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by w_sohl
Anything that contains f*ck or GD. Personally I thing GD is worse. If it is loud enough I toss for sure, probably a stearn warning and I tattle to the coach if I just hear it. If it is directed at themselves I just speak with them and no one else needs to know.
GD to a non-religious person is no more offensive than shucks or darn.
However I believe in GOD so therefore when I manage a game by HS kids and younger it is worse. If they are adults I just ignore all of it unless it is directed at an opponent or my partner or myself.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 10, 2005, 08:13pm
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Originally posted by w_sohl
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by w_sohl
Anything that contains f*ck or GD. Personally I thing GD is worse. If it is loud enough I toss for sure, probably a stearn warning and I tattle to the coach if I just hear it. If it is directed at themselves I just speak with them and no one else needs to know.
GD to a non-religious person is no more offensive than shucks or darn.
However I believe in GOD so therefore when I manage a game by HS kids and younger it is worse. If they are adults I just ignore all of it unless it is directed at an opponent or my partner or myself.
Why, so you can project your religious beliefs on others? Keep it to yourself.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 11, 2005, 12:00am
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WHOA!!!! As far as GD and pushing your beliefs, how about just common courtesy(sp)
Would your non-religous mother like to hear...out of your mouth..."pass the GD potatoes?"I think not. And no I wouldn't run him on a GD in this case.

[Edited by griff901c on Jun 11th, 2005 at 01:09 AM]
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 11, 2005, 04:05am
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Ya know, I could really care less bout language. Some of the banter i have with catchers is fairly crude. Most of the time the kids are cussing at themselves, I'll just tell em to keep it down. Now if they flame another player, or me.....ya gotta go.

If any of you guys work football, listen in from the umpire position, very colorful....and hard to tell where it came from
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