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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 06, 2004, 08:30pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 126
Send a message via AIM to PAT THE REF
Hey everyone, Bear with me - This is a long post; but an interesting one~!

For those of you that dont know me my name is Patrick & I am a head umpire of a local recreational league. I recently was the BU for a 15-16y.o game. There were three ejections and 2 suspensions, would you have done anything differently?

Here was the story:
Team A was in the lead by 4 runs. Team B was up too bat. Top of the 5th. (We play 6 innings) Two out - no one on. Team B's batter hits the ball but only lets it go about 15 feet. The pitcher picks up the ball. The batter starts walking down the 1st base line. The pitcher walks down towards 1st base. The pitcher starts skipping (literally). The batter then runs like anything to 1st base. The 1st baseman was standing on the base waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball. The pitcher thinks he can out run the batter so he runs. The batter is at least 1-2 steps safe. Then the pitchers foot hits the base. I call & sell the safe signal. (Now the "fun" begins).

The parents start off in the stands..... "You have to be kidding me! etc.... So I made the call and went to position B. Then I hear the Shortstop say - "Dont worry about it he sucks any way" Then the pitcher turns around and says "Yeah he can't even make a F---ing call at first~ The F---ing blind.... Boom. He's Gone.

As I throw there all star pitcher out of the game... My PU throws the Shortstop out (I cant honestly say what they said but he did tell me later that he was making hand movements and also cursing).

As they left the field they were cursing again & again. They decided to sit in the stands. Cursing (F-word etc..) theirs mouths off so I walk over to the coach (by the way I am the UIC) and tell the coach that they need to leave the field or they would forefit... So the coach called their parents and made them leave.

Two down 1 to go........

Then with the score tied at 7-7. Bases loaded - 2 outs.... Team A was at bat (Visitors). A player hits a long long long (almost over the fence) fly ball my PU strattles the 1st baseline and calls it fair. I thought it was fair too and he didn't call fair. So he turns and looks at me. I point towards centerfield. As I do, he does too indicating a fair ball. - Home run - they win 11-7.

The coach comes out after the long ball call and starts throwing his bats on the field. Enough said - ejection.....

Another day at the ball park......
Questions? Comments? Tips?

Pat The Ref
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