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Old Mon Jun 07, 2004, 05:41pm
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 345
Originally posted by LDUB

I do want advice. But I do not like having my personal character attacked because of shook hands with someone.

I was trying to get across that I find it inconceivable that someone who has read thousands of posts on this board does not know that an umpire should not fraternize with coaches after a game. (or before the game or during the game but especially after the game.)

This is basic umpiring 101. Not knowing this is like not knowing whether the hands are part of the bat. At 252 posts, you post almost once a day since you joined Hopefully, you read 15 or 20 posts for everyone you write. Only a moron like the umpire from Illinois routinely writes posts without reading or thinking, and you don't appear to be a moron.

In all those thousands of posts that you have seen, have you not read about getting the h$ll off the field after a game in as quick a manner as possible? I think that there are about 10 such posts telling you exactly that in this thread alone.

Here is some specific advice (without judgment) that can help you. In a field with only one small parking lot, I jump in my car after a game with my gear still on and drive somewhere else about a quarter of a mile away to change. I don't want to give anyone the opportunity to start something. I have started and ended all of the s$$$ that I wanted to on the field and I don't need any extracurricular problems.

I did not attack your personal character. I save character assassinations for the likes of the moron from Illinois, the head case from Rhode Island, and the man who diddles with sheep from down under.

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