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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2004, 11:12pm
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: New Jersey
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Hello all:
For those who do not know me I am a 17 3/4 year
old umpire for my local little league. I live for
baseball; it is my absolute favorite sport. Around
these parts I am known as the book of rules because
I know every rule but I also know the application of
them and most of the real meanings behind them. I have
been with my local town for now 5 years.

I have 2 questions:
1) In NJ, how can you become an umpire? Age limits?
Experiences? Please help me

2) Also, i have my own gear but I am looking for
some new indicators, ball bags, lineup card
holders, and other useful items for me on the
field. So can you please list the items you keep
in your bag and brands you prefer? Also any other
items you would find useful?

Thank you for your time - and I hope I can bring good
comments into this forum.
Pat The Ref
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 01:16am
DG DG is offline
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I use an indicator that includes balls, strikes, outs and innings. Does not matter to me what brand.

I am a double bagger. In the bag on my left side I keep a brush, and a note pad and pencil. The indicator never leaves my left hand. The bag on my right side is for baseballs only. I like to keep a balanced number of baseballs in the bags, ie 2 in left, 2 in the right. If I have an uneven number of balls I will have the higher number on the right side. I always use one from the right bag if I need to put one in play. I use Honigs bags but it really does not matter what brand of bag.

When it is warm, I also keep a small blue rag in my left bag, to use to wipe the sweat off my face between innings. If I am working a game that has a time limit I would also keep a small watch in my left bag (center pocket of the Honigs bag). The right bag is always only for baseballs, the left bag is for balls and the other stuff.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 09:56am
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Originally posted by PAT THE REF
Hello all:
For those who do not know me I am a 17 3/4 year
old umpire for my local little league. I live for
baseball; it is my absolute favorite sport. Around
these parts I am known as the book of rules because
I know every rule but I also know the application of
them and most of the real meanings behind them. I have
been with my local town for now 5 years.

I have 2 questions:
1) In NJ, how can you become an umpire? Age limits?
Experiences? Please help me

2) Also, i have my own gear but I am looking for
some new indicators, ball bags, lineup card
holders, and other useful items for me on the
field. So can you please list the items you keep
in your bag and brands you prefer? Also any other
items you would find useful?

Thank you for your time - and I hope I can bring good
comments into this forum.
Answer to Question #1: You are already an umpire.
If you are asking about High School baseball try this information for NJ:

New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association
Route 130
P O Box 487
Robbinsville, NJ 08691-1104
ph: (609) 259-2776
fax: (609) 259-3047

[Edited by gobama84 on Apr 2nd, 2004 at 10:14 AM]
Get it right the 1st time, if not then just move on.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2004, 11:04am
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Originally posted by DG
I use an indicator that includes balls, strikes, outs and innings. Does not matter to me what brand.

I am a double bagger. In the bag on my left side I keep a brush, and a note pad and pencil. The indicator never leaves my left hand. The bag on my right side is for baseballs only. I like to keep a balanced number of baseballs in the bags, ie 2 in left, 2 in the right. If I have an uneven number of balls I will have the higher number on the right side. I always use one from the right bag if I need to put one in play. I use Honigs bags but it really does not matter what brand of bag.

When it is warm, I also keep a small blue rag in my left bag, to use to wipe the sweat off my face between innings. If I am working a game that has a time limit I would also keep a small watch in my left bag (center pocket of the Honigs bag). The right bag is always only for baseballs, the left bag is for balls and the other stuff.
I don't care what inning it is. I like the +POS indicator with 3 balls, 2 strikes, and 2 outs arranged in that order from top to bottom.

For ball bags, I've gone to Ump-Attire's ball bag ( The bags are huge -- I use two as well, but when working college or adult amateur games I frequently have 6-8 baseballs on me. In most amateur games, though, you're lucky to have two extra baseballs, so what you buy is really up to you.

You can get most of the accessories through places like Gerry Davis Sports and Honigs -- both of whom have huge website catalogs.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 11, 2004, 08:34am
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I like the +POS indicator.

I have to agree with Rich on this one. The numbers are clear and lined in the order you call them. There are no numbers you don't need. They also distinctly click into position so you never have to glance at it. You also cannot roll the number the wrong way.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 11, 2004, 08:55am
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"They also distinctly click into position so you never have to glance at it."

Exactly why I went to the invisible indiclickercounter. If I don't have to glance at it, I don't need. Actually I use my brain. (Some will argue that also.) But that is my choice wether behind the plate or in the field. People will tell you it don't look good, it is not in accordance with the Geneva Convention, the pros would never recommend it and yadi yadi yada. Try it Mikey, it works better than the commerical brand. Strictly your option.

I do use two bags though, because it is difficult to stuff all those balls and brushes and linecards and makeup and lunch in your pockets.

Also one more thing I just picked up one of those new lightweight Gerry Davis vests. approx. $60. Could be a little longer around the belly but they are very nice and comfortable. Great for the hot days and still good enough to retain the heat on the cold ones. They also take the blow and still keep ticking. The $200 piece of Armor are nice but they are hotter than hell in the summer. Again, your choice.

Good Luck

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 11, 2004, 10:54pm
DG DG is offline
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One or two ball bags, a brush, an indicator, and a pencil are all that is required. Brand and color of bag, brush and indicator brand and style, and even the pencil are all personal preference. You have to define your own likes, just like for the other equipment you use.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 12, 2004, 11:33am
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I use Gerry Davis for products such bags, indicators, brushes, and chest protector.
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