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Old Sun Apr 11, 2004, 08:55am
jicecone jicecone is offline
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"They also distinctly click into position so you never have to glance at it."

Exactly why I went to the invisible indiclickercounter. If I don't have to glance at it, I don't need. Actually I use my brain. (Some will argue that also.) But that is my choice wether behind the plate or in the field. People will tell you it don't look good, it is not in accordance with the Geneva Convention, the pros would never recommend it and yadi yadi yada. Try it Mikey, it works better than the commerical brand. Strictly your option.

I do use two bags though, because it is difficult to stuff all those balls and brushes and linecards and makeup and lunch in your pockets.

Also one more thing I just picked up one of those new lightweight Gerry Davis vests. approx. $60. Could be a little longer around the belly but they are very nice and comfortable. Great for the hot days and still good enough to retain the heat on the cold ones. They also take the blow and still keep ticking. The $200 piece of Armor are nice but they are hotter than hell in the summer. Again, your choice.

Good Luck

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