Originally Posted by Adam
No violation. On a throw in, TC only exists for the purposes of determining if bonus free throws should be shot. PC needs to be established in bounds before FC status can be established.
Whereas the last sentence above is correct, can we say that that standard applicable only in a throw-in situation?
What bothers me is the way that contradicts 9.1.1.C(a), which happens when A1 in the backcourt passes to A2 in the frontcourt but the pass hits A2 in the back of the head and deflects back to the backcourt where A1 touches it again. That casebook situation says that is a backcourt violation, though PC was not established in the frontcourt.
Is this different because it was not on a throw-in and because the ball hitting A2 established FC status for the ball, thus a backcourt violation?