coach ejection
My relief at a tournament last week got this one. Championship match in a 12 year old group. 1st period we have a takedown on red who screams as soon as he's taken down, we have a stoppage for injury time. The official goes to the table to observe the injury clock, looks out to the mat and red is on his feet ready to go with less then 5 seconds used. Match is restarted and goes into the second period we now have another takedown after an escape and red again screams out when taken down. Injury time started again and wrestler has popped straight to his feet again.
At this point official is actually contemplating unsportsmanlike conduct for screaming to break hold on the takedown. Match restarts when green gives the one point to go neutral. Red is taken down again and screams again in which the official stops the match and awards match to green for third injury stoppage. Coach/father comes unglued cursing the official for costing his son the match. Coach has to be removed by tournament director when he refuses to leave the gym when directed to by official.
This wrestler and coach must not have realized their strategy would backfire after the second injury timeout. Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking!
Hey Blue! Explain obstruction again.