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Old Thu Aug 25, 2011, 11:57am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 1
Weight Class Change Petition

The following is a petition to change the High School wrestling weights back to the old weights of 2010 - 11 season. I presented the petition to a group of coaches at a recent camp and I got 43 coaches signatures from seven (7) different states all supporting the petition. I got ZERO coaches who supported the new weight change. My Goal is to get 15,000 coaches / officials and wrestling fans signatures from across the country to sign the petition, so if you support the following petition please email me confirming that you support the petition with the following information;

School District / College / Club State Your Name Coach / Fan / Official

Norchester PA M Petrucelli COACH

My Email Address - [email protected]

Or make it easy log onto link and enter information:

I will be posting this petition on as many Wrestling Forums as I possibly can and if you are in support please do the same and if you are at a camp and or Tournament please print it out the petition and get signatures to right the wrong the NHFS did to the sport.

ALSO I will NOT POST any Coaches / Officials / FANS Name on any medium who support this Petition. I will present this to the PIAA and NHFS Board when I get to my Goal of signatures and email confirmations

NHFS High School Weight Class Change Petition
July 25, 2001
We the coaches of the great sport of wrestling petition the NHFS to right the wrong that they did in changing the High School weight classifications and change them back to the same classes that were in place for the 2010 - 11 wrestling season as follows;
103,112,119,125,130,135,140,145,152,160,171,189,21 5,285
We petition to change the weight classification as stated above based upon the simple common sense facts as follows;
1. The Data you gathered (weight) from wrestlers to establish the new weight classes is flawed, if the changes were made based upon the raw weight that the kids weighed in at without taking the % body fat of the wrestlers into consideration then why have weight certifications (OPC)? Your analysis should be based upon what wrestlers were certified to wrestle at and in most case where they will compete at.

2. The following is a much better analysis done from analyzing 71 PA district 1 rosters encompassing 2149 wrestlers based upon the weight that they were certified to compete. This is based upon the old weight classes.

Break down by weight class
Old Weight Class # Of wrestlers % Of Total wrestlers

103 140 6.5%
112 152 7.1% 103 – 119 = 22.6%
119 194 9%
125 192 8.9%
130 178 8.3%
135 169 7.9% 125-145 = 43%
140 198 9.2%
145 188 8.7%
152 159 7.4%
160 146 6.8% 152 – 171 = 21.4%
171 149 7%
189 132 6%
215 100 4.6% 189 – 285 = 13%
285 51 2.4%

The true wrestling weights (OPC Certified) dictate that eliminating a weight class in the middle is truly ridiculous and defies common sense.

3. These changes hurt the quality of wrestling, by adding a upper weight class at 195 lbs you are now providing a varsity opportunity to a Football player who is most likely a 1st or 2nd year wrestler who was recruited off the football field to fill this spot. Adding a upper weight also has us competing with Basketball to recruit a Football player to fill the upper weights

4. By eliminating a middle weight class at 135 you are taking a varsity opportunity away from a wrestler who has been dedicated to the sport, put the time in (many since first grade) and deserves and opportunity at wrestling in High School. By eliminating the 135 lb class you are going against one of the biggest lessons that we should instill in our wrestlers you get out of the sport what you put into it, which is also a life lesson.

5. By adding a upper weight class High School wrestling now has more upper weight classes than college wrestling;

New HS Upper Weights - 182,195,220 and Hwt.

College Upper Weights - 184, 197 and Hwt

This truly defies logic or promotes obesity in High School by having one more upper weight class in High School than in College.
We the Coaches hope you review the above information and reconsider your changes and put the old weight classes back in place for the betterment of the Sport and to encourage young wrestlers to continue to work hard at both the sport and in life and that their hard work can and will be rewarded.

Thank You
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