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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 23, 2007, 10:25am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
New to volleyball -- What's a libero?

Here's what it sounds like from my first class yesterday. The libero is a back-row "specialist", who can serve anytime he/she wants and who can sub in and out anytime without counting against total substitutions.

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it's what it sounded like. I'm talking NCAA rules now (we use them for high school), and they don't have our rulebooks yet.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 23, 2007, 10:46am
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Quick reference

Libero may only play back row.

Libero must wear a jersey color that clearly contrasts those of his/her teammates.

Libero may serve in only one rotation on the lineup (can be determined when the libero serves, does not have to be listed in advance). (Libero may not serve in USAV.)

Libero must be listed on the lineup.

Libero may not attack a ball if at the moment of contact, the ball is entirely above the net.

Libero may not block or attempt to block.

Libero may bump set from anywhere on the floor. If the libero finger sets the ball from behind the attack line, there are no restrictions on a subsequent attack. If the libero finger sets while in the attack zone, the next contact cannot be an attack contacted from entirely above net height which is then completed. This attack would be illegal.

Whomever the libero replaces (liberos replace, they do not sub, and replacements are not counted toward a team's sub count) MUST replace the libero. It is illegal for another player to replace the libero. The libero may, however, replace any player who is in the back row.

There must be one rally between libero replacements, unless the libero is on the court and will replace into right back in order to legally be the next server.

That's all I can think of off hand...anything anyone else wants to add, or do you have any questions?
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee

Last edited by FMadera; Mon Jul 23, 2007 at 11:10am.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 24, 2007, 08:26am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by FMadera
Libero may serve in only one rotation on the lineup
I don't know what this means (again, sorry, but I don't have a rulebook yet).

Libero may not attack a ball if at the moment of contact, the ball is entirely above the net.
Even from the back row? So the libero can't ever spike a ball that's above the height of the net?

If the libero finger sets while in the attack zone, the next contact cannot be an attack contacted from entirely above net height which is then completed. This attack would be illegal.
My only question here is "Why?"

There must be one rally between libero replacements, unless the libero is on the court and will replace into right back in order to legally be the next server.
So the libero can just go out of the game and come right back in to be the next server whenever he/she wants? You could just have the libero serve every time.

Obviously, I just don't get the whole concept of the libero. Can you explain in simple terms what the libero's purpose is? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me yet.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 24, 2007, 08:53pm
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I don't know what this means (again, sorry, but I don't have a rulebook yet).
It means that there are six rotations in volleyball...the libero may serve in one of those rotations, but no more than one.

Even from the back row? So the libero can't ever spike a ball that's above the height of the net?
That is correct. The libero is intended to be a defensive player, not an offensive player.

My only question here is "Why?"
The libero isn't intended to serve as a permanent setter. The libero's role is to be a defensive player, not to aid in getting kills.

So the libero can just go out of the game and come right back in to be the next server whenever he/she wants? You could just have the libero serve every time.
No, the libero may serve in only one of the six rotations.

Obviously, I just don't get the whole concept of the libero. Can you explain in simple terms what the libero's purpose is? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me yet.
See above. You also indicated that you're using NCAA rules, and you don't have a rulebook, but the 2006 rulebook is available here. Read the book and come back with any questions you might have.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee

Last edited by FMadera; Wed Jul 25, 2007 at 01:30pm.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 24, 2007, 09:07pm
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What level VB will you be officiating? If you're starting out in Jr. High the Libero will probably not be an issue. If your looking at HS then it will. A rule book will help a lot. Watching some games with a L will also help a lot. If you are new to VB, then I want to encourage you to strongly consider doing some lower level games at first without the L to get started. Then, after watching and asking a ton of questions, move up to the level where they use it. Also remember, that even though HS teams are allowed to use the L they don't have to. Some of your smaller schools will opt not do so. Your state association will likely have some handouts outling the L in more detail. Illinois does and so did Indiana.
Hope you like VB. It's a lot of fun to officiate. But one thing to keep in mind: As I alwasy tell my BB or FB buddies who say how easy it is to officiate VB... VB is easy to officiate VB .... but not if you want to do it right!
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 08:16am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by FMadera
It means that there are six rotations in volleyball...the libero may serve in one of those rotations, but no more than one.
Ok, so when you say 6 rotations, you mean there are 6 positions on the court. So the first time the libero serves, he/she is stuck with serving from that same position for the rest of the game. Is that right? If the Libero serves from position (or rotation) number 5, then he/she can only serve when rotation 5 is again in the serving position.

But you also say, "The libero may, however, replace any player who is in the back row". So let's say the libero has already served from the #5 position. The libero could leave the game and come back into the game in the #3 position (when #3 has rotated to the back row), but then would have to leave again before the #3 position serves. Is that right?

The libero is intended to be a defensive player, not an offensive player.
Ok, I can live with that. That makes sense, I guess.

the 2006 rulebook is available here.
Thanks, I will definitely check it out today.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 08:22am
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by refnrev
What level VB will you be officiating?
I have no idea. I'm guessing at the Freshman HS level. Somebody just told me "You should do this" and handed me a phone number. So I know nothing, in the immortal words of Sgt. Schultz (are you old enough to get that reference?)

A rule book will help a lot.
I'm hoping to get one at the next class on Sunday.

Watching some games with a L will also help a lot.
I don't even know where to go to do that! I don't even know if VB is a Fall or Spring sport around here. I'm guessing Fall, since they're preparing us now. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if I'll be doing girls or boys or both.

even though HS teams are allowed to use the L they don't have to.
That's interesting. My guess is that our schools will be using it around here.

Thanks for the help, seriously.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 12:26pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Ok, so when you say 6 rotations, you mean there are 6 positions on the court. So the first time the libero serves, he/she is stuck with serving from that same position for the rest of the game. Is that right?
Yes, that is correct.

If the Libero serves from position (or rotation) number 5, then he/she can only serve when rotation 5 is again in the serving position.

But you also say, "The libero may, however, replace any player who is in the back row". So let's say the libero has already served from the #5 position. The libero could leave the game and come back into the game in the #3 position (when #3 has rotated to the back row), but then would have to leave again before the #3 position serves. Is that right?
No, the libero would have to be replaced by the player he/she replaced before that player rotates back into the front row, though the libero could be replaced by that player in the #3 position beforehand as well (if that player was still in the back row). Remember, the libero may never play in the front row.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 01:40pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
I have no idea. I'm guessing at the Freshman HS level. Somebody just told me "You should do this" and handed me a phone number. So I know nothing, in the immortal words of Sgt. Schultz (are you old enough to get that reference?)
Thanks for the help, seriously.

O yeah, I'm old enough.
Here's what I'd do if I woke up in your shoes. A lot of people on the B'ball forum also do VB. Juulie for instance, added it a few years ago. PM some of them. Approach these games as you would when you started Basketball... except for the fact that you knew that game better so bea sponge and soak up everything. Go to the classes. Go to a clinic as well as a rules meeting before the season starts. Ask a referee(s)... one(s) who has/have not elevated himself/herself to the demigod status ... to let you pick their brains. Read the case book and study hard.
Seriously, in my sometimes less than humble opinion, I wouldn't start at a level using the Libero. You'll have your hands full looking for illegal back row attacks, illegal hits, overlapping etc at first. I'd be careful about rushing in where angels fear to trod. Here's why: I have worked some V games with a couple of guys who have done VB for a while and still don't know the rules and they made us both look like idiots. They did the same thing at the Jr. High level. Go to a local school and ask the coach if you can observe practice. Offer to help out by calling some scrimmages or a V vs JV grudge match some afternoon. Watch carefully as they work on subbing in and out and what the L can and cannot do.
The fact that you're a seasoned Bball ref will help. You'll have the professionalism, demeanor, etc. But VB is very different in some of the little nuances that go unnoticed to the fans, but that the players, coaches, and officials pick up.
Good luck and keep everyone posted on your progress. It's a great game and they are a lot of fun to officiate. Such a different environment that basketball. Rev
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 03:32pm
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by FMadera
No, the libero would have to be replaced by the player he/she replaced before that player rotates back into the front row,
Ok, right. Sorry, I was rotating counter-clockwise in my mind.

Felix, seriously, thanks for walking me through this stuff.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 03:34pm
Lighten up, Francis.
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Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by refnrev
I wouldn't start at a level using the Libero.
Believe me, I'm going to be very happy to start at the lowest level possible. And I'll do as many scrimmages as I can get my hands on.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 05:50pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Ok, right. Sorry, I was rotating counter-clockwise in my mind.

Felix, seriously, thanks for walking me through this stuff.
No problem. That's what we're here for.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 25, 2007, 09:48pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Believe me, I'm going to be very happy to start at the lowest level possible. And I'll do as many scrimmages as I can get my hands on.

One thing I forgot to add --- HAVE FUN! VB really a lot of fun! But you don't get into nearly the number of arguments in this forum as over in basketball.
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 26, 2007, 10:22am
Lighten up, Francis.
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Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by refnrev
But you don't get into nearly the number of arguments in this forum as over in basketball.
Only because I just started posting here. . .
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 26, 2007, 10:50pm
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Oh, Really??

Scrapper, let me add my welcome to Felix' and refnrev's. There are some really good people on this board and they are excellent teachers/instructors/sources of information.

Occasionally we will get into a disagreement, but most of the time, we will hash it out until we achieve consensus or one of us presents a specific rules interpretation from one of the National interpretors.

Most important is to be a sponge and soak up all the knowledge that you can - especially concerning the rules of the game and proper mechanics. With that, find someone whom you respect to act as a mentor for you - someone whom you can go to and not be afraid to ask "dumb" questions. Just remember, the only truly dumb question is the one you don't know the answer to that you fail to ask.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)
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