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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 09:32pm
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Crazy Plays

How about starting a thread about crazy plays. Like the time the back row player lines up for a forearm pass, hits the ball behind her, and the ball hits the backboard of a basketball net. It goes into the basket and then hits her in the head. You've got to just smile.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 02, 2006, 04:30pm
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We volleyball officials obviously have no sense of humor! No responses at all, huh? If this were the basketball group it would be pages long!
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 02, 2006, 06:02pm
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I agree the Basketball Forum seems to be more fun...
I was trying to get something going and look nada...
Oh Well
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 07, 2006, 04:14pm
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Haven't worked volleyball in years, but I did it for a couple of years in college. One night in a small 1-A school (lowest class in Texas), they have a wooden stand. Its a little wobbley, but I'm OK on it. In the third game, the ball come over toward me with two girls chasing it, and they crash into the stand. I realize then this thing is going down, so I grab on to the net cable, push off and jump AND hope my partner has the call! I think we called a replay.

Anyway, the thing was busted so we had to use stacked chairs for me to finish (only about 10 more minutes of match time, if that). I didn't like that idea, but I didn't have a hammer in my truck and no one had any nails, or I would have rebuilt the stand sufficient to finish. In fact, some guy who I think had been yelling at me the whole match (behind my back, so I'm not sure) came out of the stands and offered to help me do just that, but when we realized that wasn't going to happen, he and two other guys found the chairs and held them while I stood periously on them.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 07:15am
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Crazy play...

Server hit the ball and it was heading out-of-bounds at the far end line. Middle back was near the end line and turned to watch the ball go out when suddenly, the serve dropped off the table (Major League Baseball would have been proud...a great sinker, if I ever saw one) and the ball deflected off the shoulder of the Middle Back and then out-of-bounds. She never saw the ball coming at her and looked totally stunned when it bounced off of her when she expected to see it sailing far beyond the endline.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 07:24am
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Area League Regionals this past weekend...

I was tournament directing the Area League Regionals at Foothill College in Los Altos this weekend and I chose to referee the tournament championship game on Sunday between Menalto VBC 18-1 and NYCV Brooklyn 18-1. In the second game, we have a great rally going between the two teams. NYCV hit a ball that looked like it was going to be down for sure. Somehow, the Menalto player got to the ball and it hit her on the shoulder as she wass diving toward the centerline. The ball popped up while NYCV was celebrating the kill. Another Menalto player bumped the ball to an outside hitter and NYCV had to scramble to recover as they realized that the whistle had not sounded to end the rally. All in all, a wacky play, because there was no way that the bal should have come up after the NYCV player spiked it (but it did!!!)
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 06:45pm
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Talking Crazy Plays

Now that's what I'm talking about
Thanx for the replys
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 26, 2006, 10:35am
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Well one time there was this one net that was sort of cheap. So spike after spike goes into it and the ball just get's sling shot back out. except this one ball! A guy hit it soo hard that it broke the netting and the ball came through. The team was cheering at the spike kill, but since I was reffing, LOL's I said that it was a dead play and the ball did not clear the net. Ha ha ha. but it was even more funny that the second spike there after came right through that same broken hole in the net.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jul 30, 2006, 08:31pm
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Torn Net...

I was refereeing a boys' match a couple of years ago and did not notice that there was a torn section just below the cable in the middle of the net. We are playing along and the team on my left is serving. Server hits the ball and it is a bullet. I try to get ahead of the ball to see the contact by the receiving team when I hear the ball hit the net cable. I turn my head back just in time to see the ball contact the floor on the receiving team's side about two feet beyond the centerline. I assumed that there was a let serve and begin to award a point to the serving team. The receiving team came totally unglued and I had no idea what the heck they were complaining about.

The captain of the receiving team came to the stand and told me that the ball went through the torn section of the net and did not go over it. I called my line judge over and asked him what had happened. He said that the served ball had hit the net cable and gone through the torn section in the net to land on the court. Once I had confirmation of what had happened, I signaled net serve on the serving team and awarded loss of rally to the opponent.

Ever since then, when I see a net with even a slight tear, I get some adhesive tape and make sure that it is patched enough that a ball cannot get through it.
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
NCS Volleyball Officials Coordinating Committee Recorder
CIF State Volleyball State Championships Referee (2005), Scorekeeper (2006-2007) & Libero Tracker (2010)
PAVO State Referee (2014) / PAVO Certified Scorekeeper (2014) / PAVO Certified Line Judge (2012)
USAV Junior National Referee (resigned 2013) / USAV National Scorekeeper (2014)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 31, 2006, 12:56am
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I got mad and swung down on the ball to bounce it off the floor and it bounced straight back into my face.

A blocker who had played volleyball internationally and was now playing collegiately jumped up and beautifully roofed a ball straight down...too bad it was the other teams serve.

A girl goes up to hit, swings, completely misses the ball and it bounces over the net from off of her head. I also have swung at a ball on game point and completely missed the ball before it ever got to me.

Playing in a co-ed tournament and the first ball of the tournament was hit by the other team which our setter reached out one arm (having normally played weak co-ed or weak women's) to play the ball and broke her arm so she missed the entire tournament because of the first attacked ball on the first rally. Not really a crazy play but odd and kinda sad.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 03, 2006, 07:45pm
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Both teams serving in warm ups and partner and I talking and observing the two teams. All of a sudden I hear "LOOK OUT", turn my head and look straight into the oncomming errant serve - BLAM! right in the nose.
No blood but felt a little woozey.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 04, 2006, 12:57am
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Angry crazy plays

I'm coaching in regionals in USA 14's. We are in a tight match. We are in game 3 with us behind 13-14. Our girls win the ralley and tie it up 14 all. One of our best server goes back and serves what we thought was a ace, but no The line judge calls a foot fault. They go ahead by 1, so now they are serving. Whom do they serve to but the girl who foot faults. The ball is near the line going out she goes to the line and yells out. Just before it hits the floor in brushes her lower leg. We lose and stay home from Nationals.
Joe Flanigan
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 12:31pm
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I don't like to admit this....but here goes anyway:

Beginning of a really big match. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for getting this big and important match. After the National Anthem, I begin across the floor heading for the referee stand. I'm still in the clouds thinking that the assigners must think I'm darn good to give me this game and thinking that all eyes in crowd are probably on me as I cross the floor, when suddenly....

BAM! I step on a ball being rolled across the floor by a line judge and land square, in the middle of the court, on my butt!

I'm back on my feet in an instant, but the damage has been done. The crowd is roaring in laughter, and my ego is quickly deflated. Maybe that's exactly what I needed to get my head off myself and into the game!
"When I umpire I may not always be right, but I am always final!"
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 18, 2006, 11:39pm
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Bee Sting Interrups play.

For the first time ever seen by me, a bee sting interruped a volleyball game. The girl was allright, and I didn't even see the event, the coach simply asked if she could go and see if the player was OK before the game continued. Very strange!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 26, 2006, 10:03am
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Strangest play I've seen AFTER a game is completed:

We've been doing an all day high school tournament. On the championship point, a player from the bench of the winning team jumps into the air and throws her arms up in victory, dislocating her shoulder! No kidding! We called an ambulance and she was taken to the hospital!
"When I umpire I may not always be right, but I am always final!"
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