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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 20, 2023, 01:56pm
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,673
Cards, in their various habitats

So in talking with a fellow official, I learned quite a bit about the rules regarding cards for conduct. Thought I'd share a little bit here for newer officials, or for people like me who just don't know their rulebooks as well as they should.

Unless stated otherwise, these comments refer to cards that are given for unsporting conduct and NOT for delay sanctions.


1) A card assessed to an individual carries over to the rest of the match. If A6 is given a yellow card in the 1st set and then commits a minor unsporting act in the 4th set, the penalty is a RED card.

2) A card assessed to an individual applies ONLY to that individual. If A6 is assessed a yellow card in the 1st set and then A10 commits a minor unsporting act later in that set, A10 is assessed a YELLOW card.

3) The escalation of sanctions is (a) yellow card, then (b) red card, then (c) disqualification.

NCAA Women:

1) A card assessed to an individual does NOT carry over to subsequent sets. So if A6 is given a yellow card in the 1st set and then commits a minor unsporting act in the 4th set, the sanction is a YELLOW card.

2) A card assessed to an individual applies ONLY for that individual. If A6 is assessed a yellow card in the 1st set and then A10 commits a minor unsporting act later in that set, A10 is assessed a YELLOW card. (Same as NFHS)

3) The escalation of sanctions is (a) yellow card, then (b) red card, then (c) disqualification. (Same as NFHS)

USAV (Including NCAA Men):

1) A card assessed to an individual carries over through the rest of the match If A6 is assessed a yellow card in the first set, and then commits a minor unsporting act in the 4th set, the penalty is a RED card.

2) A card assessed to an individual applies to the entire team. So if A6 is assessed a yellow card in the 1st set, and then A10 commits a minor unsporting act in the 2nd set, the penalty is a RED card.

3) The escalation of sanctions is (a) verbal warning, then (b) yellow card, then (c) red card, then (d) expulsion, then (e) disqualification. (USAV 21.3)

4) (d) and (e) above apply if the acts are committed by a player who has been previously penalized. So if A6 receives a red card and later in the match A10 commits a serious unsporting act, the penalty would be a RED card, and not expulsion.


I think I have all of that right. But if not, someone please step in and correct me. These are subtle differences between the 3 rulesets; and I just thought it might be helpful to spell them out for those of us entering the USAV season.

Last edited by Scrapper1; Mon Nov 20, 2023 at 04:00pm.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 20, 2023, 02:21pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Janesville, WI
Posts: 754
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I'd change NCAA to NCAAW, as men play under modified USAV or FIVB rules, depending on level..
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
PAVO National Referee / Certified Line Judge/Scorer
WIAA/IHSA Volleyball Referee
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