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View Poll Results: Why do you umpire?
For the good of the game. 17 65.38%
For "the girls;" players. 1 3.85%
Money. I have a lot of debts. 1 3.85%
Power. I like the control! 2 7.69%
Exercise. Have you seen my waistline? 2 7.69%
Comfort. I like putting on the uni and going through the motions. 0 0%
I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time. 1 3.85%
It gets me out of doing all of those "honey do's" on the weekend. 2 7.69%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 04, 2010, 02:57pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Sherman, TX
Posts: 4,387
But to clarify, Sander, I was speaking more of the range of the data than of the mean of the data.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 04, 2010, 03:16pm
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
Sadly Sander, and our mutual friend Larry W. will back me up on this, I am frequently, and at the most odd of times, cynical!
Skahtboi needs a hug.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 05, 2010, 11:58am
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Indiana
Posts: 73
I read this post when it first appeared and have been thinking about it ever since. (Warning, this is long and probably a little mundane to everybody but me.)

When I first started umpiring (ASA Slow Pitch) it was to help purchase diapers and food for our then newborn son. After that need was gone, it was to support my then habit of playing every weekend. So at the beginning it was for the money. A little later on, I realized that I was essentially being paid to watch a game that otherwise I would be either sitting in a lawn chair or on bleacher watching anyway and the "seat" was pretty much the best one in the place. Again, still for the money but, I see "love of the game" peeking its head in there as well. However, at this time I was still “that guy” that just paid his ASA sanction fee every year, bought a shirt/hat and went through the motions.

Then I found myself keeping score at a State tournament observing the officials thinking… “I could do that, at least as well they are.” I must have at one point said this out loud because just a year later I received a phone call from an officer in our region (state) saying that they needed somebody to work the Men’s “B” state and was I available. I went, reluctantly, and as they say “the rest is history”. I was hooked.

Although I don’t work the same number of league games that I did back when I was “in it for the money” I do work a regular weekly schedule. The difference is that I now work as many State Championship level games as I can, whether as the tournament UIC or on the umpiring staff. I’m also on our states training staff.

So, after all of that why do I umpire?

Is it for the good of the game? Maybe. Looking at it from a distance I’d say that this guy saw a need for competent umpires and took action.

Is it for the players? Isn’t this and “good of the game” synonymous?

Is it for the money? I’d say that even today, yes. Working games gives me the $$ to go to clinics/schools and keep my uniform up to date which in turn allows me to improve my abilities.

Is it for the power? With the exception of the coach at Nationals this year that, after being asked for the umpteenth time to get his team in the dugout, told me that it was indeed all about me. I’d say that most people that know me would answer no to this one.

Is it for the Exercise? Not singularly, but running a bit during the summer isn’t going to hurt.

Is it for the comfort? I do like the way an ASA uniform feels so yeah, why not?

Nothing better to do with my time? Let’s see… that boy that needed diapers is now a Sr. in High School and is on the High School Tennis, Bowling and Baseball teams as well as being in the Marching Band. So I’d give this one a definitive NO.

Does it get me out of those honey do’s? this one made me laugh just a little.

"Why do I umpire"... sorry for the long reply, but I guess it's just because I friggin' love it...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 05, 2010, 03:29pm
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Sherman, TX
Posts: 4,387
Originally Posted by gdc25 View Post
I read this post when it first appeared and have been thinking about it ever since. (Warning, this is long and probably a little mundane to everybody but me.)

When I first started umpiring (ASA Slow Pitch) it was to help purchase diapers and food for our then newborn son. After that need was gone, it was to support my then habit of playing every weekend. So at the beginning it was for the money. A little later on, I realized that I was essentially being paid to watch a game that otherwise I would be either sitting in a lawn chair or on bleacher watching anyway and the "seat" was pretty much the best one in the place. Again, still for the money but, I see "love of the game" peeking its head in there as well. However, at this time I was still “that guy” that just paid his ASA sanction fee every year, bought a shirt/hat and went through the motions.

Then I found myself keeping score at a State tournament observing the officials thinking… “I could do that, at least as well they are.” I must have at one point said this out loud because just a year later I received a phone call from an officer in our region (state) saying that they needed somebody to work the Men’s “B” state and was I available. I went, reluctantly, and as they say “the rest is history”. I was hooked.

Although I don’t work the same number of league games that I did back when I was “in it for the money” I do work a regular weekly schedule. The difference is that I now work as many State Championship level games as I can, whether as the tournament UIC or on the umpiring staff. I’m also on our states training staff.

So, after all of that why do I umpire?

Is it for the good of the game? Maybe. Looking at it from a distance I’d say that this guy saw a need for competent umpires and took action.

Is it for the players? Isn’t this and “good of the game” synonymous?

Is it for the money? I’d say that even today, yes. Working games gives me the $$ to go to clinics/schools and keep my uniform up to date which in turn allows me to improve my abilities.

Is it for the power? With the exception of the coach at Nationals this year that, after being asked for the umpteenth time to get his team in the dugout, told me that it was indeed all about me. I’d say that most people that know me would answer no to this one.

Is it for the Exercise? Not singularly, but running a bit during the summer isn’t going to hurt.

Is it for the comfort? I do like the way an ASA uniform feels so yeah, why not?

Nothing better to do with my time? Let’s see… that boy that needed diapers is now a Sr. in High School and is on the High School Tennis, Bowling and Baseball teams as well as being in the Marching Band. So I’d give this one a definitive NO.

Does it get me out of those honey do’s? this one made me laugh just a little.

"Why do I umpire"... sorry for the long reply, but I guess it's just because I friggin' love it...


It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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