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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 06, 2002, 08:58am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 25

Mens orthodox FP - Softball Canada. R3, two outs. Batter hit a fly ball to F7 who drops the ball but manages to fake out everyone, except for a couple of fans in the stands and myself, that he had caught the ball. I signal and verbalize (obviously not loud enough) no-catch . The defense leaves the field and the BR after going about halfway to first, proceeds to his team area. I call him out when he enters the team area. Offense wanted the run to score because R3 crossed the plate before B/R left the field of play.

I know I screwed this up by not verbalizing the no-catch loud enough, but given that, does the run score?

Rule 5-6 b. states that
A run shall not be scored if the last out of an inning is the result of:
1) The batter-runner being forced out before legally touching first base.

So is failing to advance to first a force out?
Matt -- Ottawa Blue
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 06, 2002, 09:07am
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No, the run does not score. You say "orthodox" FP, and the ASA rule is that no run may score if the third out is a force or the BR is out before achieving 1st.

I don't have my rule book today, so that rough paraphrase is the best I can do at the moment.

You probably realize this already, but what I would have done seeing everyone assuming the catch was made is to re-state the call LOUDLY - "THERE WAS NO CATCH."

[Edited by Dakota on Sep 6th, 2002 at 09:09 AM]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 06, 2002, 09:23am
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I agree with dakota.

Just out of idle curiosity do you ump at the RA Centre in Ottawa. I used to and still do play there.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 06, 2002, 10:34am
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 25
"orthodox" refers to the pitching style -- no windmill, all other aspects the same.

As far as the rule is concerned, I quoted from the Softball Canada rulebook. which uses the phase forced out rather than put out, which I believe most other rulebooks use.
(I only have access to Softball Canada and the ISF rulebooks)

I have done a few games at the RA Center -- mostly SP (yuk)
hopefully I will get a few more FP next year.
Matt -- Ottawa Blue
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 07, 2002, 09:03am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by 18597
"orthodox" refers to the pitching style -- no windmill, all other aspects the same.

As far as the rule is concerned, I quoted from the Softball Canada rulebook. which uses the phase forced out rather than put out, which I believe most other rulebooks use.
(I only have access to Softball Canada and the ISF rulebooks)

I have done a few games at the RA Center -- mostly SP (yuk)
hopefully I will get a few more FP next year.
ISF: 5.7.b.1: A run shall not be scored if the third out of the inning is a result of the batter-runner being put out before legally touching first base.

ASA 5.5.B.1: No run shall be scored if the third out of the inning is the result of a batter-runner being called out prior to reaching first base or any other runner forced out due to the batter becomming a batter-runner.

Obviously, Softball Canada needs to update their wording or they want to play by different rules, but I would not allow the run.

BTW, no matter how loud you called "no catch" it may not have made the difference. There is usually so many players, coaches and fans screaming at the same time, they are not going to hear you no matter how loud you scream.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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