Mens orthodox FP - Softball Canada. R3, two outs. Batter hit a fly ball to F7 who drops the ball but manages to fake out everyone, except for a couple of fans in the stands and myself, that he had caught the ball. I signal and verbalize (obviously not loud enough) no-catch . The defense leaves the field and the BR after going about halfway to first, proceeds to his team area. I call him out when he enters the team area. Offense wanted the run to score because R3 crossed the plate before B/R left the field of play.
I know I screwed this up by not verbalizing the no-catch loud enough, but given that, does the run score?
Rule 5-6 b. states that
A run shall not be scored if the last out of an inning is the result of:
1) The batter-runner being forced out before legally touching first base.
So is failing to advance to first a force out?
Matt -- Ottawa Blue