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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 27, 2010, 07:50am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Suwanee Georgia
Posts: 1,050
8-2-D and Exception

Section 2 Batter-Runner is Out

Rule 8-2-D
When the batter-runner fails to advance to first base and enters the team area after a batted fair ball, a base on balls in Fast Pitch or Slow Pitch with Stealing, a dropped third strike, or catcher obstruction.

Exception: (Slow Pitch) The ball is dead when runners are not required to run bases on a home run or four base award, or on a base on balls, or (Fast Pitch) on a hit batter. The batter-runner is not out. Other than on a home run or a four base award, runners cannot advance unless forced.

I understand most of this. In slow pitch the batter is not required to touch first base on four base award or a home run. However, I thought they would on a base on balls. Is this saying that if the game winning run is on third and bases are loaded, they don't have to touch first base on a walk? Obviously, if it is not the game winning run they have to advance to first base. They can't enter the team area and stay there or they are out.

What is confusing is the hit batter section. What is this really saying? They can enter the team area and are not out? Just because the ball is dead? Is this so they can treat a possible injury? Maybe they can be replaced? Is that why they are not out?

Or is this simply saying that since the ball is dead, they can enter the team area and not be out, but if they remain there we have to get them back out on first base. Or get a replacement for them. We don't call them out just for entering the team area. We could get an out if they refused our instruction or there was no legal sub for them and they couldn't continue to play, but we are not going to get an out when then enter the team area.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 27, 2010, 11:35am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by rwest View Post

Or is this simply saying that since the ball is dead, they can enter the team area and not be out, but if they remain there we have to get them back out on first base. Or get a replacement for them. We don't call them out just for entering the team area. We could get an out if they refused our instruction or there was no legal sub for them and they couldn't continue to play, but we are not going to get an out when then enter the team area.
You answered your own question. The rule is addressing a BR entering the team area, not failing to advance to 1B.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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