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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 11:26am
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wade, as part of the young blood movement (20 years old, sixth year ASA) i take offense that you are just willing to pass on the problems of the current guard to us. I have had enough problems convincing my UIC's that I'm the umpire that they hired, let alone trying to figure out how to get everyone in lockstep! Therefore, I will only accept your apology if you teach us how to pass our problems to the next generation behind us!

In all seriousness I cant wait to see the DVD this weekend in Bloomington. It sounds like it will be a helpful tool

Dave, as a umpire and college student, I wish ASA would drop the price on everything!... or at least give a college student discount. I have other things to buy like books!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 11:38am
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
A perfect example is going out in 3 man.. for simplicity, ASA sends you out on a can of corn; they dont trust their umpires to to think so the general rule is "go out on everything" and in fact that is enforced on national evals.
That isn't true, but yes, I'm going out on a fly ball. It is called "responsibility". To be so pretentuous as to presume a fly ball will be a "can of corn", IMO, demonstrates your contempt for the nuances of the game.

Irishmike represents the stubborn "we can't change" old guard and ASA will improve as that old guard fades away and gets replaced with young blood and fresh ideas and a willingness to look to other places for ways to improve. There are many who wont even look at NCAA to see what they are doing. They still believe ASA trained these NCAA umpires, so there is nothing to learn from them. Mention a NCAA method at NUS (I did)... thats good for a laugh or two.
For someone who does what you do, you certainly talk out your *** alot. WTF do you know about me? Besides not a ****ing thing, you know even less.

Many of the people you refer to as "stubborn" or "Old Guard" routinely offer alternatives. And they will question what they believe something is right.

ASA is the foundation of fast pitch umpiring - NCAA built upon it significantly. Many, for their own insecurities, refuse to see how its being done elsewhere and how those ideas might improve our own umpiring.

Their excuse when they admit flaw: well we gotta train ___{insertnumberhere} umpires wah wah, and many are stupid, so we can't teach that.
This is true and I've had this conversation with MB, HP and a number of other initials that would burn too much space to list. But it isn't because the people are stupid. It is KISS. For a lot of the ball worked on the local fields, there is no need for high-level mechanics for low-level play.

Not all umpires aspire to move up the ranks and much of their training needs to include survival and that is what the basic mechanics provide. These umpires are in the majority of registrations in many areas. You try to hold them to national tournament standards for umpires and you will lose many who just don't want to be bothered with it. In turn, games, leagues and tournaments become extremely difficult to cover. That is not fair to the umpire or players.

Now comes the DVD... and they could if they wanted too, go deeper into the systems.
Like it or not, they still have a product to sell and expenses to recoup. The DVD was basic championship play as it was meant to be. There is already another DVD in production that will probably cover the one-umpire and three-umpire systems. There are many other options which are being studied for the future.

Thanks for playing. One day you may actually get IT and I'm not referring to the computer world.

And this is for you.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 11:41am
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Originally Posted by trojans2545 View Post
a umpire and college student, I wish ASA would drop the price on everything!... or at least give a college student discount. I have other things to buy like books!
And the rest of us have a load of money and fewer bills, right?

Please let me know where that place is.

I love the college kids that have no idea what is going to hit them when they move into the real world.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 11:51am
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The real world? you mean that place with jobs and house payments and, god fobid, kids that are mine and i have to take care of? its not all partying and craming the last minute for exams?....... is it too late to go back?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 12:28pm
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Originally Posted by trojans2545 View Post
Dave, as a umpire and college student, I wish ASA would drop the price on everything!... or at least give a college student discount. I have other things to buy like books!
I'm with you on that one! Training materials should not be so darned expensive, but I can understand how some of the uniform items are so pricey. I've got shirts that have lasted 4 or 5 years, shorts that have lasted 3 or 4 years, and the pants have lasted about as long as well. For getting punished as much as my uniforms do, they've held up very well.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 12:41pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
I'm with you on that one! Training materials should not be so darned expensive, but I can understand how some of the uniform items are so pricey. I've got shirts that have lasted 4 or 5 years, shorts that have lasted 3 or 4 years, and the pants have lasted about as long as well. For getting punished as much as my uniforms do, they've held up very well.
People need to remember it is a business.

The production cost of the DVD was in the neighborhood of $38K. What the material, packaging, branding and any other ancillaries were, I have no idea.

After the response to this DVD, will subsequent DVDs be less expensive? I certainly hope so.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 01:23pm
SRW SRW is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
People need to remember it is a business.

The production cost of the DVD was in the neighborhood of $38K. What the material, packaging, branding and any other ancillaries were, I have no idea.

After the response to this DVD, will subsequent DVDs be less expensive? I certainly hope so.
Talking with KR at lunch on the first day of the UIC clinic (he sat next to me at our table), they had a $35k budget for the DVD production. They they estimated that they would sell between 1000 and 1100 of them. Hence the $35 price tag. All they originally wanted was to recoup the cost.

Now they have found that the DVD is a huge success, and that some associations want to buy them in bulk. They've far exceeded the 1000 estimate (at OKC, he said they were around 2500). So they've basically offered the DVD's to the commissioners for $25, and will be using the excess "profit" made on the DVD sales to fund the 1-ump and 3-ump DVD project - expected to be out for the 2011 season.

Washington was selling the DVD's at last weekend's school for $25. Not even making money on them. In fact, they gave away around 20 of them.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 02:47pm
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Originally Posted by SRW View Post
Talking with KR at lunch on the first day of the UIC clinic
Finally, it comes out! Hob-snobbing with the bosses! Now he is too good to drink with his old "buddies". That explains why you were so clean-cut.

That's why I didn't recognize you when I ran into you outside the Appaloosa.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 03:30pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Finally, it comes out! Hob-snobbing with the bosses! Now he is too good to drink with his old "buddies". That explains why you were so clean-cut.

That's why I didn't recognize you when I ran into you outside the Appaloosa.
Hey, HE sat next to ME. Not the other way around.

(BTW, M.Bo. was at our table, too.)
We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 09:59pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
blahblahblah more nonsense blather from irishmike
I'm not exactly sure whats gotten into you to where you follow me thread to thread and forum to forum attacking my posts, even attacking me on fan forums; but you really need get grip. You are losing it. I'm sure you've had a lot of people in your life you have been able to bully and intimidate, but you are barking up the wrong tree.

This is true and I've had this conversation with MB, HP and a number of other initials that would burn too much space to list. But it isn't because the people are stupid. It is KISS. For a lot of the ball worked on the local fields, there is no need for high-level mechanics for low-level play.

Not all umpires aspire to move up the ranks and much of their training needs to include survival and that is what the basic mechanics provide. These umpires are in the majority of registrations in many areas. You try to hold them to national tournament standards for umpires and you will lose many who just don't want to be bothered with it. In turn, games, leagues and tournaments become extremely difficult to cover. That is not fair to the umpire or players.

Hey the issues! I'm almost surprised you were able to address them without personal attack

For the record, I agree with you and agree with those considerations. But there can be a higher standard.

I believe they should separate those levels of umpires and there should be various standards. I think UIC's can and should be able to certainly handle training and evaluating more than a single standard. The problem is the lowest common denominator of mechanics becomes the highest rigid standard during the most important games... nationals.


Like it or not, they still have a product to sell and expenses to recoup. The DVD was basic championship play as it was meant to be. There is already another DVD in production that will probably cover the one-umpire and three-umpire systems. There are many other options which are being studied for the future.

Thanks for playing. One day you may actually get IT and I'm not referring to the computer world.

And this is for you.
I dont have a problem with them recouping their expenses or even making money, especially if it leads to bigger and better projects in the future. I think they did a great job. I'm not sure where you came up with that mumbo jumbo or why you addressed it at me. I said it was pricey, and it is.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Wed Feb 18, 2009 at 10:32pm.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 10:06pm
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Originally Posted by trojans2545 View Post
wade, as part of the young blood movement (20 years old, sixth year ASA) i take offense that you are just willing to pass on the problems of the current guard to us. I have had enough problems convincing my UIC's that I'm the umpire that they hired, let alone trying to figure out how to get everyone in lockstep! Therefore, I will only accept your apology if you teach us how to pass our problems to the next generation behind us!

In all seriousness I cant wait to see the DVD this weekend in Bloomington. It sounds like it will be a helpful tool

Dave, as a umpire and college student, I wish ASA would drop the price on everything!... or at least give a college student discount. I have other things to buy like books!
I would say, dont worry about buying it at this point. If you can get to watch it a few times, I think you could get a visual of things you've heard described and that would be enough for now. Besides it will likely be on U tube soon anyway...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 19, 2009, 08:34am
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
I would say, dont worry about buying it at this point. If you can get to watch it a few times, I think you could get a visual of things you've heard described and that would be enough for now. Besides it will likely be on U tube soon anyway...
Actually, I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't ended up on torrents just yet.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 19, 2009, 08:35am
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
Actually, I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't ended up on torrents just yet.
Its like you read my mind, I did look for it last night
Once when the Yankee's Lou Pinella was batting he questioned a Palermo strike call. Pinella demanded, "Where was that pitch at?" Palermo told him that a man wearing Yankee pinstripes in front of 30,000 people should not end a sentence with a preposition. So Pinella, no dummy, said, "OK, where was that pitch at, a**hole?"
-George Will
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 19, 2009, 08:35am
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I'm not exactly sure whats gotten into you to where you follow me thread to thread and forum to forum attacking my posts, even attacking me on fan forums; but you really need get grip. You are losing it. I'm sure you've had a lot of people in your life you have been able to bully and intimidate, but you are barking up the wrong tree.
I'll make this real simple for you. I read discussion boards. If I disagree with something stated regardless of location or individual, I will post my opinion. That is why they are called discussion boards. If you have a problem with that, that is just what it is, YOUR problem.

I have never, nor ever intend to bully anyone on any plane. Maybe you think such a thing is necessary, I don't. Bullying is for the weak.

If I attacked you, you would know it. If it ever came to that point, there would be boundaries.

IMO, you routinely misrepresent yourself and the statements of others. I don't know if it is intentional, but if you have an issue with folks disagreeing with or offering what they consider corrective comments, you are living in the wrong country.

From what I have been told, you are an upcoming umpire in your area. I hope that the attitude and contempt for others demonstrated on-line is not reflective of your performance on the field.

There are a lot of people who read this board and while we may occasionally get silly, there is a great number that appreciate the serious conversations and opinions. I believe we owe it to them to be forthright with the information provided and keep dissenting opinions on a professional basis and that does not include debasing comments.

Okay, I'm done with this thread, knock yourself out as I'm sure you will want the last word.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 19, 2009, 08:45am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
There are a lot of people who read this board and while we may occasionally get silly, there is a great number that appreciate the serious conversations and opinions.

Mike, that's my M.O.!

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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