Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
People need to remember it is a business.
The production cost of the DVD was in the neighborhood of $38K. What the material, packaging, branding and any other ancillaries were, I have no idea.
After the response to this DVD, will subsequent DVDs be less expensive? I certainly hope so.
Talking with KR at lunch on the first day of the UIC clinic (he sat next to me at our table), they had a $35k budget for the DVD production. They they estimated that they would sell between 1000 and 1100 of them. Hence the $35 price tag. All they originally wanted was to recoup the cost.
Now they have found that the DVD is a huge success, and that some associations want to buy them in bulk. They've far exceeded the 1000 estimate (at OKC, he said they were around 2500). So they've basically offered the DVD's to the commissioners for $25, and will be using the excess "profit" made on the DVD sales to fund the 1-ump and 3-ump DVD project - expected to be out for the 2011 season.
Washington was selling the DVD's at last weekend's school for $25. Not even making money on them. In fact, they gave away around 20 of them.