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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 11, 2007, 06:53pm
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Response of my request for clarification:

This year it was not the lead sentence as it was in the past. However, the action must take place during a live ball and is so stated on page 151/152 when it says..."The rail runner, the runner doing the passing, is called and the ball remains live. The concept is exactly the same, said in a different way.

My reply

Thanks for the quick response.

I have no problem with the rule or your reply. I just think you are asking umpires to make a presumption that isn't "clearly" stated. Seems to me that the RS is an ideal place to cap those assumptions without making a rule "wordy".


See you in Louisville.


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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 11, 2007, 09:09pm
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 49
That doesn't make any sense...

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Response of my request for clarification:
This year it was not the lead sentence as it was in the past. However, the action must take place during a live ball and is so stated on page 151/152 when it says..."The rail runner, the runner doing the passing, is called and the ball remains live. The concept is exactly the same, said in a different way.
Why would the rules for running the bases be any different after an over-the-fence home run than on any other play. If they miss a base, they can still be called out on appeal. Passing the runner should not be any different (other than not requiring an appeal).

Also, I should not have to look at the EFFECT or rules supplement to find that this must occur during a live ball. If that is the case, why not spell it out clearly.

If ASA is going to change the rules for running the bases after a home run, why even make them run the bases. Just go the dugout and count the runs.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 12, 2007, 10:27am
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21st Inn - Passing Runner - Simliar

Boston 2005 - Women's Play Off Game
4hr 52mins - 21st Inns - Btm 7th - Score 1-1
Runners on 2nd & 3rd
Batter hits Home Run
16 screaming females rush across to BR from the Dugout
Runners whilst half way down the baseline towards respective bases launch themselves towards the crasy scene going on between home & 1st.

3 Umpires make towards the exit 'in a hurry' past the visiting coach who just winks at the home plate umpire!

To me that's a very wise and sportmanlike gesture from the coach, and 1 very relieved BU who just didn't want to make the call.

Same as this case ... Let it Be!!
Spencer S Suckling
ESF Fastpitch & Slowpitch, ABUA-GB
London, SW18 3QX.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 12, 2007, 08:49pm
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 49
When should we "Let it Be"

Originally Posted by ukumpire
Boston 2005 - Women's Play Off Game
4hr 52mins - 21st Inns - Btm 7th - Score 1-1
Runners on 2nd & 3rd
Batter hits Home Run
16 screaming females rush across to BR from the Dugout
Runners whilst half way down the baseline towards respective bases launch themselves towards the crasy scene going on between home & 1st.

3 Umpires make towards the exit 'in a hurry' past the visiting coach who just winks at the home plate umpire!

To me that's a very wise and sportmanlike gesture from the coach, and 1 very relieved BU who just didn't want to make the call.

Same as this case ... Let it Be!!
Would you have "Let it Be" in the top of the 1st? If not, why should the 21st inning be any different?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 14, 2007, 11:45am
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Southern Ont.
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
ASA FP or SP with home runs available.

Bases loaded, two outs, bottom of 7th, home down by 3 runs.

B6 hits a ball deep, R5 got a late start off of 1st base watching the ball clear the centerfield fence. BR/R6 catches and passes R5 between 2nd & 3rd base.

You, as the umpire, allow 4 runs to score. Defense protests that there was a passing the runner violation after the first two runners crossed the plate.

Valid protests? Who wins the game? As the UIC, what rule do you cite to validate your ruling?

Question for you guys and gals if any on this.
As we are supposed to accept all protest in major tournaments whether judgement or rule interpratation up here north of the border to let the protest commitee rule. We can tell the coach that it is a judgement call but if he insist we have to accept the protest now my question for you guys.
If during the discussion with the protest committee the ump or umps say they saw the passing but made no call. Is that a misrepresentative of the rule and is that protestable.

Thanks Dale
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 14, 2007, 12:12pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by canump
Question for you guys and gals if any on this.
As we are supposed to accept all protest in major tournaments whether judgement or rule interpratation up here north of the border to let the protest commitee rule. We can tell the coach that it is a judgement call but if he insist we have to accept the protest now my question for you guys.
If during the discussion with the protest committee the ump or umps say they saw the passing but made no call. Is that a misrepresentative of the rule and is that protestable.

Thanks Dale
If it is a judgment call and a UIC is called to the field, you better know where the local liquor store is located!!!

Actually, if it is judgment there can be no protest regardless of what the coach wants. However, when I'm talking "judgment", I am sole referring to a call which requireds judgment, not on whether you "judged" that a rule should or should not apply. Don't laugh, I've seen it.

If an umpire sees a violation and does not call it, that is not a judgment call, but a misapplication, or non-application if you prefer, of the rules and is very protestable.
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