Originally Posted by shipwreck
I don't have my NFHS softball rulebook in front of me so I will ask this question. If a defensive player enters the game and doesn't report, and it is brought to the umpire's attention. The umpire gives a team warning and the next unreported player is restricted to the bench, correct? Is it in ASA that if the unreported player makes a play, the offensive coach has an option of taking the play or redue the at bat? What happens in NFHS if there has been a team warning for this already and another unreported sub makes a play on defense? If brought to my attention, she is restricted to the bench and then what? Does the play stand? Dave
You are correct in your remembrance of the NFHS rule. The first offense of an unreported sub is a warning to the offending team, in this case the defense. It is ASA that allows the offended coach the choice of taking the result of the play or returning the batter to bat assuming the previous count when an unreported defensive player makes a play.
I don't have my rule books with me, either. I am guessing in NFHS, though, that the play would stand as I believe the only issue that NFHS addresses in this matter is the fact that the second case of an unreported player results in that player being restricted to the bench.