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I've told how everything has been running pretty smooth lately till Friday night game and wasnt a player but a partner that PO'd me
SIT: R1 on 1st B2 hits a gapper in the outfield I am BU good throw comes into F5 which tags sliding R1 PU calls out then F5 fires to F4 and tags BR standing up coming into 2nd I gave the out call and moving back into position hear a little fussing coming from BR that F4 missed the tag then all of sudden hear PU yell out "I got a safe at 2nd F4 missed the tag". Now PU is a senior ump to me and has been through the National school so I decided to very hardly bite the lips and not say anything though believe PU should of not overruled my call unless asked for. Afterwards PU did tell me that he thought he got a better angle on the play even though I was inside looking at it and that he was sure that F4 missed the tag and since there was only a little protest from the defense after the reversal he may have been correct. Of course my problem was the way PU handle it I would have had no problem with the reversal if I would if appealed the play or asked for help but PU just yelling it out I believed discredited myself in front of the players and wasnt warrented BUT since he was my senior and overall he is a good guy and ump and have not had a problem with him in prior games I decided to let it rest. Question for the vet's if this would of happen to you in your earlier years calling with a senior umpire would you have let it rest or brought it up for a discussion after the game the displeasure of the way the other umpire handled this. Thanks for any replies Don |
Sounds like you KO'd. I would have remined him of whose call it was, and the fact that I did not ask for an appeal, nor did it appear from what I read that the BR asked you to get help, he was just yelling like most runners on close play. Being senior does not give your partner the right to change your call, especially without you going to him for his help. I think I would have had a chat with him to find out if this was going to be a continuing problem. glen
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
It happened to me about 10 years ago. At the end of the inning, I told him if he ever did that again, he would be finishing the game by himself and told him to make sure he included my statement in his evaluation, because I was including his inappropriate actions in mine!
Never happened again, nor did I hear anything from the rating committee.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
I once poached a rule call (not judgement) on a rookie umpire I was mentoring during our annual "Umpires Tournament".
I was wrong and would never do it again.........in most situations it is best to let them learn the proper way of handling situations and getting help. Don.........nowadays I would hope that I have enough confidence to respond as Mike suggested..........grin I find it pretty amazing that your partner hung you out to dry like that. I would talk with my UIC about it......... Joel |
off topic
What's the Umpires'Tournament? Volunteer umps to start the season and get a game in? mick |
Our umpire association hosts an annual "Umpires Tournament". I believe that this was our 13-14th annual one this year. We rotate between different cities that we umpire for and any procedes made above and beyond the cost of putting on the tournament are returned back to the host Association. The entry fee is very reasonable and it gives teams a chance to get in a few games before their season starts. This past year, I believe we gave back $1,200 to the host Association. We as umpires agree to call a minimum of 3 games for free. We use it as a training tool for our new umpires and us senior umps get to shake some of the rust off too. Any umpire who calls the minimum 3 games also gets reimbursed for any training or schools they attended in the late winter/early spring (It paid for my National School this year). It has been a big success here........ Let me know if you want any more info. Joel |
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Sounds like a good deal for everyone. Who pays, or covers, the bill for contingent liabilities? Yes, please, I would like more information. mick |
mick...........consider me an imbecile if you will..........but what the HELL is contingent liabilities??
![]() If you mean what organization covers our tournament.........it is an ASA sanctioned tournament and we have paid the appropriate fees to ASA...........therefore covered under ASA insurance. No association is guaranteed any particular revenue from the tournament..........some years it is good.........some it is slow.......... Each league always makes any concession stand money from holding the tournament........but we also expect the host association to have the fields in playable condition. We have moved the tournament a time or two because of maintenance being performed on that particular set of fields...........but usually the different associations have been very amicable in switching years based on major maintenance being done. It is a win/win for all of the associations that participate. Joel |
Have you ever tried it with Slow pitch? mick |
My association holds an annual one-pitch (sp) tournament every fall. We lock in at 12 teams with a 3-game guarantee for$85-100. We have to turn teams away because we do not want to create a monster that becomes a job to manage. There is a 3 HR limit with no slaughter rule, but a 60 minute time limit. We also permit for each team to have 3 "buy-backs" (offensive only) per game at $2 each. This raises an extra $200 at absolutely no addition expense to the tournament.Umpires are asked to donate their time (2 games). Our association (73 active members) holds an annual social event and everyone is assessed $15 a year (this year it is a picnic at the local "A" team for the Kansas City Royals) and any umpire who works two games is relieved of paying that assessment. The association clears about $1200 per tournament which is basically nothing more than a relaxing day at the ballfield.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
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What is the essence of the "One Pitch"? One called strike and yer out? One strike of any type? mick |
There is one pitch per batter each time at bat. The batter either hits it, takes a ball for a walk or a strike for an out.
Some tournaments allow for a "free" foul, but not all d:-)
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
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Sounds like a quick game with lotsa swinging! mick |
And this is Fast pitch?
Have you ever tried it with Slow pitch? mick mick....... I have never done slowpitch and as far as I know.......the local SP association has not had a rookie umpire in 8-10 years. They handle a bit smaller area than we do and their coverage is just about right for their size. We in FP are challenged with more and more teams and games to cover each year and seem to have a harder time sustaining the # of umpires....... ![]() I am fixin' to delve into the area of "AA" (SP) softball..........I will let y'all know how that goes.......... ![]() Joel |
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I used to love to play that game, but I have never worked it. My partner likes it though. Do you have a real strike zone with 4 balls and 3 strikes, or a mat with 3 balls and 2 strikes, or somewhere in between? mick |
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