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Ok I coached at a tourney this weekend and I did not see one umpire wearing a chest protector on ANY of the fields. It was lower level ball, rec throw together all-star teams, all officials had high school patches on. Different levels 11U(don't ask I don't know!!) 12U 14U and 16U. In our games I saw 2 different umps take HARD untouched foul balls off the upper chest area, around the collar bone area.
There comments were it was too hot for chest protectors, some didn't even wear shin guards. It was hot 95+ with humidity felt like 103-110, but personally I wont' do a game without all my gear. Wanted some opinions as to how often this happens, alot of you work in that kind of heat most of the year do you wear full gear?? Any tricks to stay cool other than obvious lots of water and cold towels?? |
I've never seen an umpire (except for slowpitch) without a chest protector on. Can you say stupid? It's hot yes, but I'd much rather be a little uncomfortable than get hit in the chest and have my heart stop. I can't believe any umpire would ever step behind a plate in a fastpitch game without full gear. Stupid if you ask me.
-Josh |
Some day you may get out in the world and discover people don't always conform to your personal beliefs. What I find stupid is people who call others stupid for having a differing opinion. Your decision to wear a chest protector is certainly in the majority, but that doesn't give you the right to insult others. I am 52 years old, have umpired fastpitch for 34 years, at reasonably high levels. I currently call NCAA Div I in addition to other levels of collegiate ball. In ASA I have worked two 18U Gold Nationals (including just last year), the Men's A, the Men's Masters 40+ (just two years ago), and will have a total of 17 ASA Nationals at the end of this year. Guess what, Josh. NO CHEST PROTECTOR, not in any ONE of those games in the last 34 years. I guess I am stupid, after making an adult decision that I am comfortable with at all times. Same Georgia climate as JEL; yes, it was brutally hot, and I worked a 23U tournament. The heat isn't why, I just don't wear one. |
Hey, no way would I ever go without gear. I'm a girl and girls don't like to sweat.:-)
I don't care how hot it is. It was 102 (110 index) this weekend in Jacksonville, AR and that sure isn't going to stop me-especially if they're 14's and up. Suck it up. Heat is during the summer is inevitable. |
"Well, Josh, opinions are just like a$$holes. Every has one, and most of them stink."
Yes but we are all still entitled to them. I apologize if I offended you Steve as that was not my intent. I just do not think that choosing to wear a protector is a wise decision. You feel differently about the issue and I can respect that. My choice of wording was probably not the best. I will not edit my first post as I feel that we may all make mistakes and must live with them. However, I do apologize to you and anyone else I may have offended with it. -Josh |
I will be doing the PONY nationals tournament in Harlingen Tx this weekend, About 120 degrees behind the plate and 95% humidity. I haven't worn a chest protector in about 3 years, I would say we are about 50/50 split those that wear cp's and those that don't. I get hit a lot less then those that do wear them. I haven't taken a direct hit on my collarbone but a few off the chest and not even a a bad bruise.
guys...especially ATL Steve...I love you all..but you ARE nuts if you dont wear one.. It IS just my opinion...and I mean no disrespect when I say it...wear one....HEAT is NO excuse..personal preference maybe...but HEAT...no....
It is more apersonal preference for me. I just noticed that if I stayed in position I didn't get hit. Why am I wearing it if I never need it? I wear my mask, soccer shin gaurds, cup and steel toe shoes. I find I take more hits on my arms and thighhs then the chest and those areas don't have any protection.
Worked a tournament this past weekend, and at my first bracket game the temperature was 103, with humidity hovering right around the seventy percentile area. I had all of my equipment on, including my chest protector. However, as the afternoon wore on I became aware that only I and one other umpire were wearing our chest protectors, everyone else opting to go without them. I agree with the others who state that it is a lot more "reasonable" to wear the protective gear at all times. However, I long ago quit trying to force these beliefs on others. If they get injured and have to seek medical attention, they will learn a lesson the tough way. Otherwise, they won't listen to any voice of reason.
I had a friend several years ago who frequently wouldn't wear her chest protector in hot weather with the younger girls. I would question this decision, and make the usual comments like "your equipment won't do you any good sitting in your bag." Then, one year she was working a 10U State Tourney w/o the chest protector, took a foul ball off of her shoulder and seperated it. Needless to say, that ended that tournament for her, and also the remainder of the year. Tough lesson to learn, but since then you haven't seen her on the field without all of her equipment.
Scott It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. |
Scott It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. |
I am 52 years old, have umpired fastpitch for 34 years, at reasonably high levels. I currently call NCAA Div I in addition to other levels of collegiate ball. In ASA I have worked two 18U Gold Nationals (including just last year), the Men's A, the Men's Masters 40+ (just two years ago), and will have a total of 17 ASA Nationals at the end of this year. Guess what, Josh. NO CHEST PROTECTOR, not in any ONE of those games in the last 34 years. I guess I am stupid, after making an adult decision that I am comfortable with at all times
Steve, You have every right to wear or not wear a chest protector as you see fit. But you have more than yourself to be concerned with. You have your partners, players and coaches who are also counting on you. You put them in jeopardy if you go down. I too umpire 3 D-1 conferences as well as other levels. 2 years ago we had an ump who did not wear a chest protector (and hadn't for over 20 years) who took a shot to the ribs and broke 2. He left his partners and the teams short handed for the remainder of the series. It wasn't fair to any of the participants. After that incident, our coordinator issued a memorandium that it was mandatory that all umpires wear chest protectors or they would not be allowed to call in that conference. I would also be more concerned for any umpire who does not at least wear a protector that does not cover the heart. All it takes is one shot directly to the heart to stop it from beating, and you can never tell when that foul ball comes up and gets you. Might I suggest the new Schutt protector that they had at last years 18 gold with the cool gel packs to help with the heat or at least the Hoenig's protector that covers the heart area but little else. |
Hey Larry...
I emailed you a couple of weeks ago and have yet to hear back from you. Have you checked your email. I had an equipment question for you. (sorry to hijack)
Scott It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. |
Insurance Claims
Speakaing ASA
If you're working ASA ball (legally), then you should be covered by ASA's insurance policy. Something tells me that there's some clause or phrase in that policy that justifies their payout only if you're wearing the proper equipment (i.e.: shin guards, chest protectors, etc.). If you're not properly equiped, and get hurt, they won't pay out... Anyone had experience with this concept?
We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts. |
Again, forgive me for changing the subject. Thanks, Serg |
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