Worked a tournament this past weekend, and at my first bracket game the temperature was 103, with humidity hovering right around the seventy percentile area. I had all of my equipment on, including my chest protector. However, as the afternoon wore on I became aware that only I and one other umpire were wearing our chest protectors, everyone else opting to go without them. I agree with the others who state that it is a lot more "reasonable" to wear the protective gear at all times. However, I long ago quit trying to force these beliefs on others. If they get injured and have to seek medical attention, they will learn a lesson the tough way. Otherwise, they won't listen to any voice of reason.
I had a friend several years ago who frequently wouldn't wear her chest protector in hot weather with the younger girls. I would question this decision, and make the usual comments like "your equipment won't do you any good sitting in your bag." Then, one year she was working a 10U State Tourney w/o the chest protector, took a foul ball off of her shoulder and seperated it. Needless to say, that ended that tournament for her, and also the remainder of the year. Tough lesson to learn, but since then you haven't seen her on the field without all of her equipment.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.