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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 03:04pm
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ASA people, be honest. Is it really going to cut down on injuries at the high school level?
"Not all heroes have time to pose for sculptors...some still have papers to grade."
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 03:33pm
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I'm in year 2 of ASA with mask, our league started a year early after a girl ate her own foul ball 3 years ago.

I've not really seen it be an issue since.. I think its one of those things "if it prevents one injury.. its worth it". I dont know how much I buy that. My daughter started wearing one before it was required because of her braces.. and now just always will.

I'm not big on nanny stuff to be honest... especially at the varsity level.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 03:42pm
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My two daughters play tournament ball. My eldest is playing JV High School. I am also an Umpire.

IMHO - Face guards/cages would remove [FED]:
1. The game delays that occur because of facial injuries.
2. Some problems with game staffing and player personnel because someone needs to accompany the student to the hospital.

Other than some libertarian issues, I have not heard any real solid reasons why it would be a "problem" to wear them.

ASA: Most of the elite JO tournament games around here the teams have had face cages for years. No delays and NO batter facial injuries.

[Edited by MA Softball Ump on Mar 30th, 2005 at 03:45 PM]
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 04:06pm
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We have high schools in Michigan that have outfitted all their teams (FR, JV, Var) for each player. 40 to 50 helmets with masks. Apparently their AD's and school boards felt it was a good investment.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 04:18pm
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Originally posted by TwoBits
ASA people, be honest. Is it really going to cut down on injuries at the high school level?
Don't know and don't care. The rule is a result of a mandate set by parents and coaches, not by ASA.

ASA never kept people from wearing helmets with a cage on them. However, the busybodies who insist they know what's better for everyone's child demanded that ASA make their use mandatory.

How many years have you heard that ASA, NSA, USSSA, etc. never listen to the people, ignore what's good for the game, yada, yada, yada?

Well, because ASA rules and code are enacted by the people involved in the game from around the country and not some ivory tower, the rule was passed and put into place. However, since ASA was not dictating a player wear this equipment, their legal department thought it best that there be a standard upon which they could stand should any problems occur. Smart lawyers, must be why they get the big bucks. That caused the year's delay in enactment.

Now, with more than 18 months notice, people are whining about the expense, and the inconvenience the rule has caused the cheap and lazies.

When it first came about, many, including myself, wanted to know why if this was such a major issue, the masses spent more time complaining about ASA's lack of a rule instead of going out and purchasing a mask for their kid.

I'm tired of hearing all the whining and crying about this issue. I have a 14U & 16U NQ this year, and I'm going to do everything I can to hold myself together. However, I'm not going to hesitate to inform anyone that the road which brought them to the complex will just as easily take them away from the complex.

Rant off!

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 30, 2005, 05:04pm
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Originally posted by TwoBits
ASA people, be honest. Is it really going to cut down on injuries at the high school level?
I agree with Mike about the busybodies, about how there was nothing keeping teams, parents, players, schools, etc., from buying and using this equipment in the past. I see tremendous irony in the constant whining and moaning that brought about this rule which has resulted in so much whining and moaning.

However, regarding preventing injuries. No question.

Check this out.

The University of Tennessee's Sarah Fekete had surgery to stabilize a broken jaw suffered when Fekete was struck in the face mask by a pitch, according to news reports.

Complete story.

Imagine the incident without the mask!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 12:03am
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Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by TwoBits
ASA people, be honest. Is it really going to cut down on injuries at the high school level?
I agree with Mike about the busybodies, about how there was nothing keeping teams, parents, players, schools, etc., from buying and using this equipment in the past. I see tremendous irony in the constant whining and moaning that brought about this rule which has resulted in so much whining and moaning.

However, regarding preventing injuries. No question.

Check this out.

The University of Tennessee's Sarah Fekete had surgery to stabilize a broken jaw suffered when Fekete was struck in the face mask by a pitch, according to news reports.

Complete story.

Imagine the incident without the mask!
Sarah only went to using the mask after a foul ball hit her smack in the middle of the forehead while she was on deck during a game against California back in February.

(I think I must have put a hex on her helmet; I wore it a while back because I wanted to take batting practice off Monica Abbott...she got hit in the head in that California game like 3 days later.)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 04:15am
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Interesting concept face masks .
I have umpired several years from U13 to premier ( all fast pitch ) and never seen a facial injury .
Maybe games in the states have faster pitchers ( girls or womens )
Ultimatly if it stops injuries it must be good .
It is interesting to note of all the rules I have trouble with convincing players to act upon it is the safety rules .
ie jewellery , proper fitting helmets and so on
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 08:02am
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2001, girls 10U fastpitch state tournament.

Inside pitch.

Batter trying to bunt.

No face mask.

Shattered her orbital socket and cheek.

Not saying a facemask would have prevented some injury, just pretty sure it would have kept the ball from smashing her in the face.

HS ball? quicker pitchers, more aggressive batters. Good idea if you ask me.

Just make sure you're wearing a good chin strap, one that keeps the helmet securely on the head.

Personally, I just think the nature of the game is reaching a point where safety HAS to be a concern.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 10:47pm
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Interesting comment about chin straps. Makes you wonder why NFHS is not yet requiring chin straps when the 2006 rule for facemasks use is enforced.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 31, 2005, 11:30pm
JEL JEL is offline
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Originally posted by Duke
Interesting comment about chin straps. Makes you wonder why NFHS is not yet requiring chin straps when the 2006 rule for facemasks use is enforced.

We play HS ball here in the fall, so I haven't been into the new rules. I understood straps were to be required in '05, and masks in '06.

Is that correct?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 01, 2005, 08:31am
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Originally posted by JEL
We play HS ball here in the fall, so I haven't been into the new rules. I understood straps were to be required in '05, and masks in '06.

Is that correct?
According to 2005 NFHS Rule book, there is no requirement for chin straps. And to the best of my knowledge, NFHS has not stated a future requirement for them. Only requirement for 2006 are the face masks.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 01, 2005, 10:18am
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ASA was ridiculed a bit for the chin strap requirement, e.g. "How many injuries have resulted from helmets flying off?"

But, coupled with the face mask requirement, it makes a lot more sense.

In fact, the lack of a chin strap can seriously compromise the effectiveness of the mask. Not because the helmet flies off, but because it tips back.

Perhaps NFHS should consider adding the chin strap next year. They wouldn't need to provide much advance notice, since most (all?) helmets can accomodate a chin strap, and the straps themselves are universal and cheap.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 01, 2005, 10:51am
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All you have to do is witness one injury from a foul ball that hits the batter in the face to agree that face masks are a good idea. It is my guess that the opponents of face masks have never seen this type of injury.

I do however somewhat agree Mike, that these types of safety rules should not be dictated by rules; they shouldn't need to be, but with the readiness of everyone to sue someone else when they get hurt, I must agree with safety rules.

As far as Federation rules and chin straps, there is a requirement that the helmet fit properly and be worn properly. If both these are true, I do not believe chin straps would be necessary.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 01, 2005, 11:03am
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Originally posted by KBoy
All you have to do is witness one injury from a foul ball that hits the batter in the face to agree that face masks are a good idea. It is my guess that the opponents of face masks have never seen this type of injury.
You make it sound like there were people who thought masks should be illegal. I am not an "opponent of face masks". I am a proponent of parental responsiblity and an opponent of the nanny mentality that we all need to be mandated to remain in out protective bubbles "for our own good."
Originally posted by KBoy
As far as Federation rules and chin straps, there is a requirement that the helmet fit properly and be worn properly. If both these are true, I do not believe chin straps would be necessary.
Do you think Sarah Fekete's helmet fit properly? Do you think she was wearing it properly? Did that prevent the broken jaw?

Personally, now that the line has been crossed and masks are mandated for NFHS, the face mask makes the helmet more likely, not less likely, to wobble out of place. Therefore, chin straps should be used with a mask.

Should chin straps be mandated? Since masks have been mandated, I think straps should be, too.
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