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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 10, 2005, 11:00pm
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Posts: 964
The current Obstruction Thread brought to mind what is probably the most difficult mechanic for a softball umpire. To be in C and have a pick-off play at 1B.

With a runner at 2B, you cannot come inside. If you didn't have obstruction at1B, then you would have a tag play at 3B and you should be outside.

Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 10, 2005, 11:11pm
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What I normally do is on a very obvious one I obviously keep the call, on a whacker, you can tell pretty much when a tag will occur so I will ask my partner before making a call if they had a tag or if the tag is obvious I'll ask if they had a hand on the bag, looking for the piece of information that I'm missing, but I will keep the call
btw thank the good Lord SCRIMMAGES start in TEXAS in 21 days
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 12:30am
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?

I make the call and if the coach wants me to go to my partner because I was blocked out, then I'd be glad to go.

I've worked where PU takes it and it is good unless the tag is backside (Right field side) and the fielder/runner blocks your view. THen what do you do?

I once saw a BU point to PU on that play, and PU pointed back! Hilarious!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 04:54am
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I'm handling this play the same way that John spoke of. If it's obvious, I make the call. If it's a banger, I'll check with my PU partner on whether the runner's hand got in - but it's still my call.

Oh, and indoor practice has started for the college teams - watched/called a couple of hundred pitches so far.
Steve M
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 10:05am
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Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?

I make the call and if the coach wants me to go to my partner because I was blocked out, then I'd be glad to go.

I've worked where PU takes it and it is good unless the tag is backside (Right field side) and the fielder/runner blocks your view. THen what do you do?

I once saw a BU point to PU on that play, and PU pointed back! Hilarious!
Good for that PU. It isn't his call, and pointing to him is an instant recipe for disaster. In standard two umpire mechanics, that call belongs to the BU, and BU is responsible to make the best call he/she can. If blocked and unsure of a tag, by rule the runner is "safe". Then, if the defense asks you to go for help, have a conversation with the PU and accept what he/she has seen if PU is certain of an out.

That same mechanic is the approved mechanic in both ASA and NCAA. If you plan to deviate, you must communicate; sounds like BU failed to discuss his plan to deviate in a pregame.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 10:45am
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Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?

I make the call and if the coach wants me to go to my partner because I was blocked out, then I'd be glad to go.

I've worked where PU takes it and it is good unless the tag is backside (Right field side) and the fielder/runner blocks your view. THen what do you do?

I once saw a BU point to PU on that play, and PU pointed back! Hilarious!
Good for that PU. It isn't his call, and pointing to him is an instant recipe for disaster. In standard two umpire mechanics, that call belongs to the BU, and BU is responsible to make the best call he/she can. If blocked and unsure of a tag, by rule the runner is "safe". Then, if the defense asks you to go for help, have a conversation with the PU and accept what he/she has seen if PU is certain of an out.

That same mechanic is the approved mechanic in both ASA and NCAA. If you plan to deviate, you must communicate; sounds like BU failed to discuss his plan to deviate in a pregame.
BU in this case was a Baseball guy...LLWS guy actually...who absolutely refuses to use Softball mechanic on the play. We've been over this 3 years running in our association and have described how to do the mechanic, and he'll still point. His statement: "It looks better than making a call and then changing the call after the coach argues it." He just doesn't get it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 11:41am
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
With a runner at 2B, you cannot come inside. If you didn't have obstruction at1B, then you would have a tag play at 3B and you should be outside.

Food for thought on this portion of your original post: This last fall, whie working some college scrimmage/practice games, I have been told that the umpire needs to "commit to the play" in other words, bust your butt to get the very best look possible at the play being made. After that play is over, then commit to the next play.

As you said, the pickoff at first is very difficult for the BU in C postion to see and call, but we have to do it.

What's wrong with pregaming this situation with your partner and asking the PU to slide up the line and take a call at third base?
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 12:20pm
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That's why...

That's why it's so !@#$!@# important to pregame with your partner.
I ALWAYS cover this play in the pregame. If I'm doing the plate, I ask my partner how they want to handle this. If I am the base umpire and my partner doesn't bring it up, I tell them how I prefer to handle it.

The way I prefer to handle it is to take it myself IF I can get a good look at it. As one who had it drilled into their head at 14 years of age to NEVER GUESS an out, if I don't see it, I go to my partner. If neither of us see an out, then guess what: we have a safe. I don't get paid for calling safes, which is why I bust my butt to get in the best possible position to see the play.
An ucking fidiot
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 12:56pm
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Originally posted by FUBLUE
BU in this case was a Baseball guy...LLWS guy actually...who absolutely refuses to use Softball mechanic on the play. We've been over this 3 years running in our association and have described how to do the mechanic, and he'll still point. His statement: "It looks better than making a call and then changing the call after the coach argues it." He just doesn't get it.

Standard argument with BB umpires under every situation including an appeal on a pulled foot, bad angle or block-out.

It seems some umpires are too proud to admit they are not perfect and that they cannot handle all 360 degrees of a play. They would rather dump this call or eat it.

Tell me, while BU is looking at 1B only to point to PU, who is covering R1 advancing to 3B? If this putz is worried about what looks better, how bad is it going to look when he is pointing toward the plate only to find the PU heading toward a holding zone halfway up the 3B line?

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 01:06pm
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Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?

I make the call and if the coach wants me to go to my partner because I was blocked out, then I'd be glad to go.

I've worked where PU takes it and it is good unless the tag is backside (Right field side) and the fielder/runner blocks your view. THen what do you do?

I once saw a BU point to PU on that play, and PU pointed back! Hilarious!
Good for that PU. It isn't his call, and pointing to him is an instant recipe for disaster. In standard two umpire mechanics, that call belongs to the BU, and BU is responsible to make the best call he/she can. If blocked and unsure of a tag, by rule the runner is "safe". Then, if the defense asks you to go for help, have a conversation with the PU and accept what he/she has seen if PU is certain of an out.

That same mechanic is the approved mechanic in both ASA and NCAA. If you plan to deviate, you must communicate; sounds like BU failed to discuss his plan to deviate in a pregame.
BU in this case was a Baseball guy...LLWS guy actually...who absolutely refuses to use Softball mechanic on the play. We've been over this 3 years running in our association and have described how to do the mechanic, and he'll still point. His statement: "It looks better than making a call and then changing the call after the coach argues it." He just doesn't get it.
Just hollar back, If I make the call, you owe me at least
half your game fee for doing your job.

OPf course if it is LL then half a hot dog and coke ain't a
hell of a lot.

glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 13, 2005, 11:19am
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Posts: 508

Just hollar back, If I make the call, you owe me at least
half your game fee for doing your job.

OPf course if it is LL then half a hot dog and coke ain't a
hell of a lot.


Half a hot dog and a coke? This guy has about 600 dollars worth of stuff he got free from LLWS, including jackets, shirts, hats, pants, gear bag, duffle bag, counters, etc.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 13, 2005, 02:17pm
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Originally posted by FUBLUE
Just hollar back, If I make the call, you owe me at least
half your game fee for doing your job.

OPf course if it is LL then half a hot dog and coke ain't a
hell of a lot.


Half a hot dog and a coke? This guy has about 600 dollars worth of stuff he got free from LLWS, including jackets, shirts, hats, pants, gear bag, duffle bag, counters, etc. [/B][/QUOTE]

WOw, LL has come a long way since I called it. Oh well,
since all listed items were pural, take half of them.
glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 13, 2005, 05:31pm
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Originally posted by whiskers_ump
LL has come a long way since I called it.
A balloon protector, shin guards worn outside the blue jeans, and a masked that has the sweat of 25 years worth of volunteers... now that's where you find the dedicated folks. (Not me... I said the dedicated folks.)
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