Originally posted by FUBLUE
BU in this case was a Baseball guy...LLWS guy actually...who absolutely refuses to use Softball mechanic on the play. We've been over this 3 years running in our association and have described how to do the mechanic, and he'll still point. His statement: "It looks better than making a call and then changing the call after the coach argues it." He just doesn't get it.
Standard argument with BB umpires under every situation including an appeal on a pulled foot, bad angle or block-out.
It seems some umpires are too proud to admit they are not perfect and that they cannot handle all 360 degrees of a play. They would rather dump this call or eat it.
Tell me, while BU is looking at 1B only to point to PU, who is covering R1 advancing to 3B? If this putz is worried about what looks better, how bad is it going to look when he is pointing toward the plate only to find the PU heading toward a holding zone halfway up the 3B line?