Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by AtlUmpSteve
Originally posted by FUBLUE
Originally posted by WestMichBlue
Regardless of a play at 3B, it is almost impossible to see the pick-off play from C. So what do each of you do? Make the call, then confer with partner if coach complains? Do you have signals with partner? Or simply transfer the call to the PU?
I make the call and if the coach wants me to go to my partner because I was blocked out, then I'd be glad to go.
I've worked where PU takes it and it is good unless the tag is backside (Right field side) and the fielder/runner blocks your view. THen what do you do?
I once saw a BU point to PU on that play, and PU pointed back! Hilarious!
Good for that PU. It isn't his call, and pointing to him is an instant recipe for disaster. In standard two umpire mechanics, that call belongs to the BU, and BU is responsible to make the best call he/she can. If blocked and unsure of a tag, by rule the runner is "safe". Then, if the defense asks you to go for help, have a conversation with the PU and accept what he/she has seen if PU is certain of an out.
That same mechanic is the approved mechanic in both ASA and NCAA. If you plan to deviate, you must communicate; sounds like BU failed to discuss his plan to deviate in a pregame.
BU in this case was a Baseball guy...LLWS guy actually...who absolutely refuses to use Softball mechanic on the play. We've been over this 3 years running in our association and have described how to do the mechanic, and he'll still point. His statement: "It looks better than making a call and then changing the call after the coach argues it." He just doesn't get it.
Just hollar back, If I make the call, you owe me at least
half your game fee for doing your job.
OPf course if it is LL then half a hot dog and coke ain't a
hell of a lot.