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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jun 26, 2004, 11:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 12

Please help with official ruling on 2 scenarios....That I am confused about.

Recently during a 12U tournament we had an incident that I am truly confused as to the right call..Did the umpires make the right call or not ?

While our team was playing defense there was a ball hit to left field (crushed out there I might add). However, as the runner was rounding 3rd on her way home, our teams relay throw by our shortstop hit the opposing teams coach in the back. I am not sure if he was in the coaches box or not. Thus stopping the ball, and allowing the opposing teams runner to score. The umpires claim that since he was in the caching box next to 3rd base he could hold that position, getting hit or not. As long as he didn't make an attempt to actually get in front of the ball.

I was under the impression that the coach must try an get out of the way, and can't impead the progress of the ball no matter where he is. Was this the right call by the umpires....If someone could Please help I would appreciate your thoughts.

#2) In another game a runner from 3rd base rounding and going for home with a hit to center field, turned 3rd and actually entered the on deck batting circle on her run home. When our catcher her caught the incoming throw turned to tag the runner, she missed the tage as she tryied and apply it. Because at that time the baserunner actually came up almost behind her to touch home plate. Is there a base path the runner has to maintain ? The umpire told me that after the runner rounds 3rd she coud run along the fence (at least 25 feet from the basepath if she wanted as she comes home. Is this a true statement, or was I fed a bunch of crap.......

Thanks for all the past answered questions by everyone on this sight. I appreciate those of you who have responded.
This is a great site, and have mentioned it to quite a few people


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 27, 2004, 12:05am
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Originally posted by Palmer
While our team was playing defense there was a ball hit to left field (crushed out there I might add). However, as the runner was rounding 3rd on her way home, our teams relay throw by our shortstop hit the opposing teams coach in the back. I am not sure if he was in the coaches box or not. Thus stopping the ball, and allowing the opposing teams runner to score. The umpires claim that since he was in the caching box next to 3rd base he could hold that position, getting hit or not. As long as he didn't make an attempt to actually get in front of the ball.
This is one where you had to be there for a definitive answer. If the coach was in the coach's box and saw the throw coming at them and didn't move, it's interference. If they were watching the runner going home and had no idea where the ball was thrown, it's a no call. You've got to show some effort if you are aware of the presence of the defensive play being near you. If they are out of the coach's box and interferes with the throw, I'll probably call interference, depending on the exact situation.

#2) In another game a runner from 3rd base rounding and going for home with a hit to center field, turned 3rd and actually entered the on deck batting circle on her run home. When our catcher her caught the incoming throw turned to tag the runner, she missed the tage as she tryied and apply it. Because at that time the baserunner actually came up almost behind her to touch home plate. Is there a base path the runner has to maintain ? The umpire told me that after the runner rounds 3rd she coud run along the fence (at least 25 feet from the basepath if she wanted as she comes home. Is this a true statement, or was I fed a bunch of crap.......
Yeah, the runner can set her own base path, as in this case, as long as she isn't avoiding a tag. No crap here.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 27, 2004, 01:12pm
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Originally posted by Palmer
While our team was playing defense there was a ball hit to left field (crushed out there I might add). However, as the runner was rounding 3rd on her way home, our teams relay throw by our shortstop hit the opposing teams coach in the back. I am not sure if he was in the coaches box or not. Thus stopping the ball, and allowing the opposing teams runner to score. The umpires claim that since he was in the caching box next to 3rd base he could hold that position, getting hit or not. As long as he didn't make an attempt to actually get in front of the ball.

I was under the impression that the coach must try an get out of the way, and can't impead the progress of the ball no matter where he is. Was this the right call by the umpires....If someone could Please help I would appreciate your thoughts.
Echo Rick. You almost always have to see these kinds of calls, because the written description usually leaves out so much.

One guiding principle with interference is that there must be a play to be interferred with. With a thrown ball, that usually implies a "quality throw" (i.e. one with a reasonable chance of making the play).

In that light, one thought that occurs to me is, if the 3rd base coach was in the coach's box (6' from third base) how in the heck could a quality throw from the outfield to home hit the coach?

Originally posted by Palmer
#2) In another game a runner from 3rd base rounding and going for home with a hit to center field, turned 3rd and actually entered the on deck batting circle on her run home. When our catcher her caught the incoming throw turned to tag the runner, she missed the tage as she tryied and apply it. Because at that time the baserunner actually came up almost behind her to touch home plate. Is there a base path the runner has to maintain ? The umpire told me that after the runner rounds 3rd she coud run along the fence (at least 25 feet from the basepath if she wanted as she comes home. Is this a true statement, or was I fed a bunch of crap.......
"a bunch of crap......"??? Sounds like you may be lacking a bit of confidence in your local umpires!

But, in this case, he was right. Unless the runner is trying to avoid a tag, the runner can take any path to the base she wants to.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 28, 2004, 11:17am
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Didn't we have a rather long discussion a month or so ago where the outcome was that any throw touching a coach was not interference unless it was intentional ?

Related question, along the line of there has to be a play possibility. Batted ball in the air, caught or touched by a base coach. My impression is that it's the umpire's judgement whether a fielder could have caught the ball and if so, it's interference. If not, a public warning.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 28, 2004, 11:37am
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Originally posted by CecilOne
Related question, along the line of there has to be a play possibility. Batted ball in the air, caught or touched by a base coach. My impression is that it's the umpire's judgement whether a fielder could have caught the ball and if so, it's interference. If not, a public warning.
That's the way I call it. If the fielders are not going for the ball, it is a foul ball and a warning to the coach. If the player is going for the ball, I give the player the benefit of the doubt.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 28, 2004, 06:52pm
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Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by CecilOne
Related question, along the line of there has to be a play possibility. Batted ball in the air, caught or touched by a base coach. My impression is that it's the umpire's judgement whether a fielder could have caught the ball and if so, it's interference. If not, a public warning.
That's the way I call it. If the fielders are not going for the ball, it is a foul ball and a warning to the coach. If the player is going for the ball, I give the player the benefit of the doubt.
And we should, hell its their field. OOOOOps, Mike isn't
going to allow me that.
glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 28, 2004, 07:23pm
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Originally posted by whiskers_ump

And we should, hell its their field. OOOOOps, Mike isn't
going to allow me that.
But you are correct, it is the player's field and game. The umpires are just the hired help.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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