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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 25, 2017, 10:56am
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School Season over with yet? PLEASE??

with everything else over by yesterday, only had a couple of middle school games left, I was actually kind of looking forward to the game, because it was two of our better programs, and both teams most likely had more than a couple of travel team kids on them, so the likelihood of it being relatively quick and painless was pretty strong. Also, let me set the site up - two fields, a modified (all NYS middle school sports are called 'modified') baseball field, which is at the bottom of a berm, and a modified softball field at the top of the berm. The softball field is the furthest from the parking lot. (one of our men's leagues actually plays on the baseball field, and its a pain in the a** to go down and up that hill in your gear)

SO- I actually get to the site fairly early, and one of the baseball guys is there, and we know each other from various parking lots, so we casually chat about what lousy weather we've had this season and other stuff while we are waiting for our partners and the visiting teams (both from the same school and traveling together). A guy arrives with a t shirt from the visiting school whose DD is on the team, but he is also coach of one of their travel teams, so we start shooting the stuff, and he says that they are haven't left the school , waiting for their bus - at 3:15 for a 4 pm start (20 minute travel time). And I am STILL looking for my partner, who is supposed to work the plate. The bus finally arrives, no partner, so I start throwing my gear on. I start to go over to the field, and guess who I see - behind the backstop...full set of gear on? He comes over to me, and i quietly start to remind him that he is supposed to find his partner before going to the field, and he starts to go off on ME - how he was asssigned the plate, blah blah blah... I just turn around, hustle back to my car, strip the gear off, and hustle back to the field, just in time for the conference. Partner does ok with the sportsmanship and jewelry warnings (mandatory), but then...starts lecturing the kids on not obstructing runners on the basepaths.. I know then I am in for a long game..

So it starts: Cap on backwards....hands behind the back...LOUD swinging strike verbalizations...LOUD counts after EVERY pitch...LOUD foul calls - even on balls straight back into the fence..... T1was actually fine, then the visiting tram comes out - we are supposed to do inbetween iniings somewhere in shallow RF, but we all know with modified/JV that the entire team comes off the bench to do the warm ups, so I park myself behind the dead ball line watching. Then it happens: kid throws the ball a little off, it tips off the other kids glove, bounces and hits me right in my shin...OUCH! the kid is mortified, I assure her I am ok, but you see the results below. After that, I'm limping around, doing my best to do my thing. Eventually I have visitors with a runner in 1B, a line drive that rover (modified plays 10) makes a nice catch on, but throws the ball into the dead ball area. Not trusting my partner, I immediately yell, "DEAD BALL, RUNNER GETS 3RD!" As soon as I limp over by the SS,I hear it from where the home fans are: "BLUE - ONE BASE ON THE THROW!" I ignore it - then again, "BLUE - ONE BASE!!" At that point, I didn't care - I point down to the baseball field, and go "Sir, maybe down there, but not here!" Game gets over, I get myself home, and find I forgot to put a beer in the fridge to chiill...

Coda: I was supposed to have a game today, but its pouring rain, so when my assignor calls, I just answer the phone with "Heather, you as ready for this season to end as me?" and Heather, who's been doing the baseball/softball assigning almost as long as I have been working, just laughs, and goes, "YES!!!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 02:29am
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Tomorrow(Sat) are the last games here in Europe for US High Schools. No travel ball. Won't do SB until next March/April.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 07:26am
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Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE View Post
with everything else over by yesterday, only had a couple of middle school games left, I was actually kind of looking forward to the game, because it was two of our better programs, and both teams most likely had more than a couple of travel team kids on them, so the likelihood of it being relatively quick and painless was pretty strong. Also, let me set the site up - two fields, a modified (all NYS middle school sports are called 'modified') baseball field, which is at the bottom of a berm, and a modified softball field at the top of the berm. The softball field is the furthest from the parking lot. (one of our men's leagues actually plays on the baseball field, and its a pain in the a** to go down and up that hill in your gear)

SO- I actually get to the site fairly early, and one of the baseball guys is there, and we know each other from various parking lots, so we casually chat about what lousy weather we've had this season and other stuff while we are waiting for our partners and the visiting teams (both from the same school and traveling together). A guy arrives with a t shirt from the visiting school whose DD is on the team, but he is also coach of one of their travel teams, so we start shooting the stuff, and he says that they are haven't left the school , waiting for their bus - at 3:15 for a 4 pm start (20 minute travel time). And I am STILL looking for my partner, who is supposed to work the plate. The bus finally arrives, no partner, so I start throwing my gear on. I start to go over to the field, and guess who I see - behind the backstop...full set of gear on? He comes over to me, and i quietly start to remind him that he is supposed to find his partner before going to the field, and he starts to go off on ME - how he was asssigned the plate, blah blah blah... I just turn around, hustle back to my car, strip the gear off, and hustle back to the field, just in time for the conference. Partner does ok with the sportsmanship and jewelry warnings (mandatory), but then...starts lecturing the kids on not obstructing runners on the basepaths.. I know then I am in for a long game..

So it starts: Cap on backwards....hands behind the back...LOUD swinging strike verbalizations...LOUD counts after EVERY pitch...LOUD foul calls - even on balls straight back into the fence..... T1was actually fine, then the visiting tram comes out - we are supposed to do inbetween iniings somewhere in shallow RF, but we all know with modified/JV that the entire team comes off the bench to do the warm ups, so I park myself behind the dead ball line watching. Then it happens: kid throws the ball a little off, it tips off the other kids glove, bounces and hits me right in my shin...OUCH! the kid is mortified, I assure her I am ok, but you see the results below. After that, I'm limping around, doing my best to do my thing. Eventually I have visitors with a runner in 1B, a line drive that rover (modified plays 10) makes a nice catch on, but throws the ball into the dead ball area. Not trusting my partner, I immediately yell, "DEAD BALL, RUNNER GETS 3RD!" As soon as I limp over by the SS,I hear it from where the home fans are: "BLUE - ONE BASE ON THE THROW!" I ignore it - then again, "BLUE - ONE BASE!!" At that point, I didn't care - I point down to the baseball field, and go "Sir, maybe down there, but not here!" Game gets over, I get myself home, and find I forgot to put a beer in the fridge to chiill...

Coda: I was supposed to have a game today, but its pouring rain, so when my assignor calls, I just answer the phone with "Heather, you as ready for this season to end as me?" and Heather, who's been doing the baseball/softball assigning almost as long as I have been working, just laughs, and goes, "YES!!!


Why didn't you use the proper alternative location for between inning mechanics?

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Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
No one likes an OOJ (Over-officious jerk).
Realistic officiating does the sport good.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 08:42am
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Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE View Post
with everything else over by yesterday, only had a couple of middle school games left, I was actually kind of looking forward to the game, because it was two of our better programs, and both teams most likely had more than a couple of travel team kids on them, so the likelihood of it being relatively quick and painless was pretty strong. Also, let me set the site up - two fields, a modified (all NYS middle school sports are called 'modified') baseball field, which is at the bottom of a berm, and a modified softball field at the top of the berm. The softball field is the furthest from the parking lot. (one of our men's leagues actually plays on the baseball field, and its a pain in the a** to go down and up that hill in your gear)

SO- I actually get to the site fairly early, and one of the baseball guys is there, and we know each other from various parking lots, so we casually chat about what lousy weather we've had this season and other stuff while we are waiting for our partners and the visiting teams (both from the same school and traveling together). A guy arrives with a t shirt from the visiting school whose DD is on the team, but he is also coach of one of their travel teams, so we start shooting the stuff, and he says that they are haven't left the school , waiting for their bus - at 3:15 for a 4 pm start (20 minute travel time). And I am STILL looking for my partner, who is supposed to work the plate. The bus finally arrives, no partner, so I start throwing my gear on. I start to go over to the field, and guess who I see - behind the backstop...full set of gear on? He comes over to me, and i quietly start to remind him that he is supposed to find his partner before going to the field, and he starts to go off on ME - how he was asssigned the plate, blah blah blah... I just turn around, hustle back to my car, strip the gear off, and hustle back to the field, just in time for the conference. Partner does ok with the sportsmanship and jewelry warnings (mandatory), but then...starts lecturing the kids on not obstructing runners on the basepaths.. I know then I am in for a long game..

So it starts: Cap on backwards....hands behind the back...LOUD swinging strike verbalizations...LOUD counts after EVERY pitch...LOUD foul calls - even on balls straight back into the fence..... T1was actually fine, then the visiting tram comes out - we are supposed to do inbetween iniings somewhere in shallow RF, but we all know with modified/JV that the entire team comes off the bench to do the warm ups, so I park myself behind the dead ball line watching. Then it happens: kid throws the ball a little off, it tips off the other kids glove, bounces and hits me right in my shin...OUCH! the kid is mortified, I assure her I am ok, but you see the results below. After that, I'm limping around, doing my best to do my thing. Eventually I have visitors with a runner in 1B, a line drive that rover (modified plays 10) makes a nice catch on, but throws the ball into the dead ball area. Not trusting my partner, I immediately yell, "DEAD BALL, RUNNER GETS 3RD!" As soon as I limp over by the SS,I hear it from where the home fans are: "BLUE - ONE BASE ON THE THROW!" I ignore it - then again, "BLUE - ONE BASE!!" At that point, I didn't care - I point down to the baseball field, and go "Sir, maybe down there, but not here!" Game gets over, I get myself home, and find I forgot to put a beer in the fridge to chiill...

Coda: I was supposed to have a game today, but its pouring rain, so when my assignor calls, I just answer the phone with "Heather, you as ready for this season to end as me?" and Heather, who's been doing the baseball/softball assigning almost as long as I have been working, just laughs, and goes, "YES!!!

It's third on a baseball field, too. Two base award from the time of the *pitch*, however.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 09:37am
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Last edited by josephrt1; Fri May 26, 2017 at 10:34am.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 09:55am
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Actually, I'm more concerned about:
1) your injury lasting a while or meaning you have some underlying problem like circulation
2) what to do about your "partner's" behavior, even at season end
3) yelling "runner get 3rd; without a pause to think
4) whether the environment is conducive to talking to spectators

p.s. let's stick with SOFTball rules.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 26, 2017, 12:24pm
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I see your problem... using 2 umpires for a middle school game!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2017, 12:26pm
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Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE View Post
with everything else over by yesterday, only had a couple of middle school games left, I was actually kind of looking forward to the game, because it was two of our better programs, and both teams most likely had more than a couple of travel team kids on them, so the likelihood of it being relatively quick and painless was pretty strong. Also, let me set the site up - two fields, a modified (all NYS middle school sports are called 'modified') baseball field, which is at the bottom of a berm, and a modified softball field at the top of the berm. The softball field is the furthest from the parking lot. (one of our men's leagues actually plays on the baseball field, and its a pain in the a** to go down and up that hill in your gear)

SO- I actually get to the site fairly early, and one of the baseball guys is there, and we know each other from various parking lots, so we casually chat about what lousy weather we've had this season and other stuff while we are waiting for our partners and the visiting teams (both from the same school and traveling together). A guy arrives with a t shirt from the visiting school whose DD is on the team, but he is also coach of one of their travel teams, so we start shooting the stuff, and he says that they are haven't left the school , waiting for their bus - at 3:15 for a 4 pm start (20 minute travel time). And I am STILL looking for my partner, who is supposed to work the plate. The bus finally arrives, no partner, so I start throwing my gear on. I start to go over to the field, and guess who I see - behind the backstop...full set of gear on? He comes over to me, and i quietly start to remind him that he is supposed to find his partner before going to the field, and he starts to go off on ME - how he was asssigned the plate, blah blah blah... I just turn around, hustle back to my car, strip the gear off, and hustle back to the field, just in time for the conference. Partner does ok with the sportsmanship and jewelry warnings (mandatory), but then...starts lecturing the kids on not obstructing runners on the basepaths.. I know then I am in for a long game..

So it starts: Cap on backwards....hands behind the back...LOUD swinging strike verbalizations...LOUD counts after EVERY pitch...LOUD foul calls - even on balls straight back into the fence..... T1was actually fine, then the visiting tram comes out - we are supposed to do inbetween iniings somewhere in shallow RF, but we all know with modified/JV that the entire team comes off the bench to do the warm ups, so I park myself behind the dead ball line watching. Then it happens: kid throws the ball a little off, it tips off the other kids glove, bounces and hits me right in my shin...OUCH! the kid is mortified, I assure her I am ok, but you see the results below. After that, I'm limping around, doing my best to do my thing. Eventually I have visitors with a runner in 1B, a line drive that rover (modified plays 10) makes a nice catch on, but throws the ball into the dead ball area. Not trusting my partner, I immediately yell, "DEAD BALL, RUNNER GETS 3RD!" As soon as I limp over by the SS,I hear it from where the home fans are: "BLUE - ONE BASE ON THE THROW!" I ignore it - then again, "BLUE - ONE BASE!!" At that point, I didn't care - I point down to the baseball field, and go "Sir, maybe down there, but not here!" Game gets over, I get myself home, and find I forgot to put a beer in the fridge to chiill...

Coda: I was supposed to have a game today, but its pouring rain, so when my assignor calls, I just answer the phone with "Heather, you as ready for this season to end as me?" and Heather, who's been doing the baseball/softball assigning almost as long as I have been working, just laughs, and goes, "YES!!!

That will teach you for going back to the field after you had an opportunity to escape.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2017, 12:35pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
It's third on a baseball field, too. Two base award from the time of the *pitch*, however.
Are you sure? Does that not only apply on the first play by an infielder after the pitch? This throw wasn't by an infielder and wouldn't the catch be the first play?

MLB 5.06.b.4

(G) Two bases when, with no spectators on the playing
field, a thrown ball goes into the stands, or
into a bench (whether or not the ball rebounds
into the field), or over or under or through a field
fence, or on a slanting part of the screen above the
backstop, or remains in the meshes of a wire
screen protecting spectators. The ball is dead.
When such wild throw is the first play by an
infielder, the umpire, in awarding such bases,
shall be governed by the position of the runners at
the time the ball was pitched; in all other cases the
umpire shall be governed by the position of the
runners at the time the wild throw was made;
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.

Last edited by IRISHMAFIA; Sat May 27, 2017 at 12:40pm.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2017, 12:39pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Are you sure? Does that not only apply on the first play after the pitch? Would the catch not be that play?

No. A catch is not defined as a play in baseball.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2017, 12:48pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
No. A catch is not defined as a play in baseball.
Okay, but in this play, it was not an infielder who made the throw
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 27, 2017, 12:49pm
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Get away from me, Steve.
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School Season over with yet? PLEASE??

Depends where the rover was positioned in baseball. If an outfielder assumes an infield position.....

A catch is never a first play. If it's an outfielder it's 2 from the time of the throw.
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