During my daughter's recent soccer game, the opposing team was lining up to take a PK. One of their forwards was standing just inside the keeper's box, along with the player taking the PK. After the whistle the player scored on the PK. Then the AR went to the referee & told him about the 2nd player in the box. He awarded our team a goal kick.
Was this the right call? What if this player had been outside the box, but 17 yards or less from the goal line? Thanks for your answers! |
No. A retake of the penalty kick is the correct action.
The requirements for all players other than the kicker and goalkeeper on a penalty kick are: 1. must be outside the penalty area 2. must be behind the penalty mark (12 yards from the goal line) 3. must be outside the penalty arc (10 yards from the ball) The referee should not signal for the penalty kick to be taken until and unless all of these requirements are met and the goalkeeper is on the goal line between the goal posts, facing the field, and the attacker, who is taking the kick, is clearly identified. So, in your situation the referee was wrong to blow the whistle to allow the kick to be taken in the first place. He should have looked, noticed, and removed the 2nd attacker from the penalty area. However, since the kick was taken and a goal was scored, the 2nd attacker's presence must be considered an infringement of the Law by the kicking team (encroachment), and the correct restart is a retake of the penalty kick, not a goal kick. If a goal had not been scored on the kick, the restart is more complicated, but the kick would NOT be retaken. The restart could be a goal kick, corner kick, IFK for the defense, or the ball simply remains in play, whichever is appropriate depending upon what happened with the kick. |
Re: A Corner Kick?
The correct restart is a corner kick. The reasoning is that you do not negate the great play of the keeper saving the penalty kick because the attacking team committed an infringement of the Law, but you must award the attacking team the ball since the defense touched it last before it left play. |
Wouldn't you penalize the infraction (IFK) becasue it occurred first, negating the kick and the keeper's touch.
Shouldn't the "AR" have notified the CR before the kick?
Officiating takes more than OJT. It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be. |
In more detail, Law 14 (The Penalty Kick) deals with this infringement in a very specific manner: "A team-mate of the player taking the kick enters the penalty area or moves in front of or within 9.15m (10yds) of the penalty mark: -the referee allows the kick to proceed -if the ball enters the goal, the kick is retaken -if the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is not retaken -if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper, the crossbar or the goalpost and is touched by this player, the referee stops play and restarts the match with an indirect free kick to the defending team" The reason for this is that the ball is NOT IN PLAY on a penalty kick until it is kicked and moves forward. Any infringement of the proper positioning of the players simply occurs during a dead ball and constitutes an improper restart. You can never negate/change the proper restart of play for any reason. The general guideline would be to take the restart (the penalty kick) over and conduct it properly. However, this needs to be adjusted slightly so that one team cannot derive a benefit by infringing the law. Therefore, if the attacking team infringes and scores, the goal does not count and the restart is repeated, but if the attacking team infringes and does not score, it would be unfair to the defensive team to give them another opportunity. This is why on a miss the game continues as normal with the one exception that an encroaching attacker must be prevented from benefitting from his illegal position, an IFK is awarded if he touches the ball. The converse is true for a defensive infringement of Law 14. A good goal stands, but a miss will be given another opportunity. I should also mention that if both teams infringe the PK is retaken. Quote:
I'm not convinced that the rule cite,
"A team-mate of the player taking the kick enters the penalty area or moves in front of or within 9.15m (10yds) of the penalty mark: -the referee allows the kick to proceed -if the ball enters the goal, the kick is retaken -if the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is not retaken -if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper, the crossbar or the goalpost and is touched by this player, the referee stops play and restarts the match with an indirect free kick to the defending team" covers the situation and it seems to me the ball is dead at the moment the improper restart is taken, not when it crosses the line. Also, the book I use, NFHS, says "If there is an infringement by the attacking team ... . If the ball rebounds into play, the game shall be stopped and restarted with an indirect free kick for the defending team at the spot of the foul". This is reinforced in the play rulings Penalty Kick Situations table. Sounds like "rebounds into play" covers the time between the contact with the keeper and the ball crossing the line, so either way, I would say dead ball and IFK.
Officiating takes more than OJT. It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be. |
The words that I wrote above are from Law 14 of the USSF's Laws of the Game. Those which govern all non-high school soccer played in the US. Do you work USSF matches or only high school games? The reason that I chose to quote USSF rules was that the original questioner stated that it was a recent game of his daughter's and with school not being in session until this week in most places, I figured that it was not a high school game. As you wrote below the wording of the NFHS rules book is slightly different, but the application is in practice the same for this situation. Quote:
You can't consider the ball to not be in play if a defender encroaches and the kicker scores a goal, right? To put it another way, if the positioning of the attacking players during a penalty kick is improper, the ball is considered to have never been put in play at all if they score. The same is true if the defenders infringe and a goal is not scored. This is why the correct restart is a retake of the penalty kick. However, it is more complicated in the case where an attacker infringes and a goal is not scored. The advantage gained by the infringement must be considered. If the encroaching player's position would give his team an advantage, then he must be penalized. This is why an IFK is awarded to the defense if the ball rebounds INTO play. The encroaching player would now have a better position to score from than he is properly entitled to have. Quote:
Look at that chart on page 63 that you referred to in your post. There are four cases covered. The second line covers "Rebounds into Play From Goal/Goalkeeper" and awards the IFK, while the fourth line handles the specific case of the result of the PK being "Deflected Out-of-Bounds By Goalkeeper" and the restart given is a corner kick. (It should also say or throw-in, but it is assumed that the ball is going out over the closest line, the goal line, not being kicked clear out over the touch line. Which while highly unusual, would be possible.) So in summary, the application of the rules are the same under both systems with the one small difference in the awarding of an IFK. |
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