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Old Mon Aug 30, 2004, 02:44am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by CecilOne
Wouldn't you penalize the infraction (IFK) becasue it occurred first, negating the kick and the keeper's touch.
In short, no.
In more detail, Law 14 (The Penalty Kick) deals with this infringement in a very specific manner:
"A team-mate of the player taking the kick enters the penalty area or moves in front of or within 9.15m (10yds) of the penalty mark:
-the referee allows the kick to proceed
-if the ball enters the goal, the kick is retaken
-if the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is not retaken
-if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper, the crossbar or the goalpost and is touched by this player, the referee stops play and restarts the match with an indirect free kick to the defending team"

The reason for this is that the ball is NOT IN PLAY on a penalty kick until it is kicked and moves forward. Any infringement of the proper positioning of the players simply occurs during a dead ball and constitutes an improper restart.
You can never negate/change the proper restart of play for any reason.
The general guideline would be to take the restart (the penalty kick) over and conduct it properly.
However, this needs to be adjusted slightly so that one team cannot derive a benefit by infringing the law. Therefore, if the attacking team infringes and scores, the goal does not count and the restart is repeated, but if the attacking team infringes and does not score, it would be unfair to the defensive team to give them another opportunity. This is why on a miss the game continues as normal with the one exception that an encroaching attacker must be prevented from benefitting from his illegal position, an IFK is awarded if he touches the ball.
The converse is true for a defensive infringement of Law 14.
A good goal stands, but a miss will be given another opportunity.
I should also mention that if both teams infringe the PK is retaken.

Originally posted by CecilOne
Shouldn't the "AR" have notified the CR before the kick?
Absolutely. As I wrote in a post above, the signal for the kick to be taken should not be given until all of the players are in proper positions. Allowing this kick to proceed with a second attack standing inside the penalty area was a mistake by the officials.
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