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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 20, 2014, 05:24pm
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Posts: 402
A Long, Hurry-Up Night and the clueless coaches.

The home team was running a no-huddle "hurry-up" offense with lots of passes, and lots of bad snaps: visiting team a lot of sweeps out of bounds. At halftime it was 20-14 and Final score 70-34. Game took right at 3 hours.

The chain crew was slower than anyone else on the field, so much so the home coach was complaining the ball wasn't being marked ready so they could run, and the defense was getting to sub. I told him, I can't declare the ball ready to play when the sticks are still 10 yards away from where they need to be.

Home team had wanted just a 10 minute halftime- but team B thought the rules "required" a 12 minute halftime, and so they agreed on 12. Then Home team has no one on the field after 12 minutes. When they make it back on the field 90 seconds too late, I informed the coach they would have a 15 yard penalty, and he said, "Didn't we get 12 minutes."

Every kickoff for the home team all night was a squibber they tried to hit an up guy and recover a muffed kick. After a safety, home team kicks off and they place-kick the same they always have, and they very nearly recover it at K's 40. Visiting coach comes unglued. First he says, "Don't they have to punt after a safety?" I respond, "No coach, it is a free kick just like any other free kick except that they could also punt." He then says, "Well if its a free-kick don't they have to kick it deep, you can't on-side kick after a safety!" (Seriously)

With their no huddle offense the home team lines up with a receiver right at the tick-mark on their side of the field. After seeing the defense, team A substitutes swapping out that receiver for another who comes inside the tick, sets, and team A even lets 5 or 6 more seconds come off the play-clock before they snap and throw a first down pass to that receiver. Closest VC came to a legitimate gripe all night, "You can't do that! They can't sub after they break the huddle!" Coach, they never huddled, and they weren't trying to deceive anybody, They subbed one receiver for another with no hurry, and got him inside the tick.

Home team QB rolls out on a run-pass option and ends up shovel passing, then a defensive player wraps up the QB and drives him 2 steps before throwing him to the ground, I call it roughing the passer for 2 acts. VC, "You can't call roughing the passer on an option play."

Visiting center cut the nose guard on every play, immediately at the snap. About halfway through the 2nd quarter, HC calls me over during a timeout to tell me his nose guard is getting clipped. They were running a lot of defensive stunts and the center was getting hit in the back of the legs, often. I tell him the block is immediate and in the zone, and therefore legal. "My nose guard is going to tear an ACL if you keep letting them block him in the back of the knee." I patiently tried to explain the free blocking zone and he said, "I've never heard of that, and I was a linemen in college."

Visiting team usually goes into their stance on set and then hikes on hut1 or hut 2. About 2 minutes left on a 3rd and 3, they stay in the 2 point stance on set and then go down on hut 1, drawing the entire defensive line across. We talked about it in pregame, coach asked us about it, I said, if they come set the same on every play, it doesn't matter what the QB says, but if they come set moving differently, forward, jumpy, or anything that simulates action at the snap, or otherwise is obviously trying to get B to encroach, it is going to be a false start. Both wings have flags down, the wing on his side gives me the preliminary encroachment sign, but the opposite wing comes in with a false start, the tight end on his side by his description, lurched forward as he came down. I announced the false start, and HC wants an expanation, "We told you we would do it, and you said it would be legal." One of the assistant coaches then said, "You know this guy makes up his own rules every week." That turned his false start into a 20 yard penalty, and a stern warning to the head coach to coral his assistants.

Seriously, there were about 25 coaches between the two teams, and I think about a grand total of 1.8 people knew the rules we were actually using for this game.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 22, 2014, 08:26am
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Originally Posted by Reffing Rev. View Post
Seriously, there were about 25 coaches between the two teams, and I think about a grand total of 1.8 people knew the rules we were actually using for this game.

Where did you find the 1.8? I contend that all coaches, at every level, should be required to take the rules test and pass it. Then, they would be issued a card verifying such. At pre-game with the coach, you ask to see his card. If there is no card, you inform him that he is not qualified to talk about any rules with you that evening and that you will ignore any attempt to do so.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 22, 2014, 09:36am
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Forksref View Post
Where did you find the 1.8? I contend that all coaches, at every level, should be required to take the rules test and pass it. Then, they would be issued a card verifying such. At pre-game with the coach, you ask to see his card. If there is no card, you inform him that he is not qualified to talk about any rules with you that evening and that you will ignore any attempt to do so.
Best suggestion I have heard for a rules change in years!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 22, 2014, 10:49pm
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Posts: 164
Rev, I think you underestimated.
You had CLUELESS coaches. At least you will have something to laugh at this off-season!
My anger management class pisses me off.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2014, 06:02pm
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Not sure why you called the false start. Is Fed different from NCAA in this?

In NCAA, if its a clean shift, it doesn't matter what the QB says and would never matter what they did last play or the entire game. Now, if it simulates the start of a play by one or more players, then yes...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2014, 09:56pm
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie View Post
Not sure why you called the false start. Is Fed different from NCAA in this?
Fed's rule, which has been discussed extensively here & elsewhere, is so expansive re false starts that theoretically team A shouldn't be able to derive any benefit from having a snap count. It's written in such a way that any surprise they get in the timing of the snap is at the sufferance of the officials. Fortunately they allow pretty much all the traditional pre-snap suspenseful stuff.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 04, 2014, 11:57pm
Archaic Power Monger
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie View Post
Not sure why you called the false start. Is Fed different from NCAA in this?
Not in this case. I take Rev's comments to mean that they were using the "snap down" with the hard shift to simulate the start of the play.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 05, 2014, 07:11am
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
Not in this case. I take Rev's comments to mean that they were using the "snap down" with the hard shift to simulate the start of the play.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 05, 2014, 09:39am
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Originally Posted by Juxone View Post
Best suggestion I have heard for a rules change in years!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be careful what you wish for. Providing any coach with a card certifying that he ACTUALLY might be as smart and knowledgable as he has ALWAYS been convinced he is, might not be as beneficial as you think.
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