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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 11:12am
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Mr Neil,
"I didn't know this forum was reserved for those who wish to teach others the rules".

It's not and I never said it was
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I initially sought out this forum because I had a situation occur in a game and I wasn't certain on the correct ruling.

In just one game ?
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"Before posting in this forum, I thought I had a thorough understanding of the rules".
"Honestly, I still do believe I have a thorough understanding of the rules"

Which is it Derock?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

The reason why I need to study is apparent from my posts--to build creditibility and respect amongst other officials.

Derock, you could know the book by heart and never gain creditability and respect. And in the same vain, know nothing of the rules and have tons of it. I know you think you have enough game sense and savvy to do games without knowing the rules but why not study them so you know how to apply the rules and manage the game the way it should be? (You are so lacking in your rules knowledge, I can just imagine you mechanics)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
"I maintain that I know enough about the rules to officiate in any game under NFHS rules"

Not in any Oregon High School you don't


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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 08:12am
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Originally posted by Derock1986
county rule differences
I believe I understand this comment but wanted clarification. You are refering strictly to youth games, correct? I assume different youth league "counties" modify the rules slightly and counties rule changes don't always agree?

If this is the case, then your youth leagues are far advanced beyond ours by having a discussion of the rules for youth officials. Around here, we are lucky if we have a rulebook thrust in our hands before the game starts.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 10:19am
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Referee magazine

Referee screws up an awful lot on those quizzes. That's one of the reasons I decided not to subscribe. Sloppy writing and editing; not very professional.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 10:55am
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Originally posted by mikesears
Originally posted by Derock1986
county rule differences
I believe I understand this comment but wanted clarification. You are refering strictly to youth games, correct? I assume different youth league "counties" modify the rules slightly and counties rule changes don't always agree?

If this is the case, then your youth leagues are far advanced beyond ours by having a discussion of the rules for youth officials. Around here, we are lucky if we have a rulebook thrust in our hands before the game starts.
Correct. Each county has slight modifications to the NFHS rules.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 01:59pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Ball is marked where it went out of bounds.

Rock, you asked to be corrected if wrong on the call. Two fellow officials and myself suggested what we consider the 'right' answer to be to mark the ball where it went out of bounds, not at the forward progress spot.

So, I guess you have three choices: 1)agree with us, 2) disagree with us and check out the correct ruling in the rule book (I know you don't have one, but that's the place to go to settle the disagreement), 3)ignore us and continue to call it according to your opinion. If you choose # 3, why even post if you don't value others opinions?

Seriously, if you want me to drag out my book and look it up, I would be happy to do that for you. Just let me know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Doc Moore, I can really identify with the "Friday afternoon haze" when all you think about is the night's games. And as much as I love youth football for kids' pure motivation, Friday nights are the "show". The smell of the grass, the lights, the band playing, the Star Bangled Banner! Heck, I can't wait for the fall.....

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 02:14pm
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Originally posted by JMN
Ball is marked where it went out of bounds.

So, I guess you have three choices: 1)agree with us, 2) disagree with us and check out the correct ruling in the rule book (I know you don't have one, but that's the place to go to settle the disagreement), 3)ignore us and continue to call it according to your opinion. If you choose # 3, why even post if you don't value others opinions?

I value others opinions about as much as they value mine. If you don't mind looking up the rule in the NFHS rule book and posting here, I would certainly appreciate it.

Question again:
Where do you spot the ball on a fumble out of bounds?

1) Where the ball goes out.
2) Where the ball was in last possession (the spot where he fumbled).
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 02:51pm
JMN JMN is offline
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Hope this clears it up. Please get a rule book!

Where do you spot the ball on a fumble out of bounds?

1) Where the ball goes out.

>> Rule 2-28-3: " A loose ball is out of bounds when it touches anything, including a player or game offical, who is out of bounds."

>> Rule 4-3-1: "When a loose ball goes out of bounds, the out-of-bounds spot is fixed by the yard line where the foremost point of the ball crossed the sideline."

2) Where the ball was in last possession (the spot where he fumbled).

According to my interpretation of the rules, the spot where the run ended (where the player lost possession/fumbled), has no impact on this play. This would only be important if you had a penalty that needed to be enforced from the end of the run, but not for determining the dead ball spot of the ball for this play.

A live ball remains live until it is determined to be a dead ball by Rule 4-2 including Article 2b: "The ball becomes dead and the down is ended: When a live ball goes out of bounds."

Think about it, Rock. If a QB threw a backward pass over the back's head out of bounds, you wouldn't spot the ball where he threw from, would you? It would go back to the spot that the ball broke the plane of the sideline. Same application here. Make sense?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:16pm
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move here to philadelphia, pa. we have varisty games thursday,friday,saturday and sundays.

Thursday and fridays- phila public league
Saturday- phila public league- piaa
Sunday- phila catholic league

middle school games on mondays, tuesday and wednesdays.
we have enough games for anyone to do.

youth games all weekend. friday,saturday and sunday.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:44pm
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Re: Hope this clears it up. Please get a rule book!

Originally posted by JMN
Where do you spot the ball on a fumble out of bounds?

1) Where the ball goes out.

>> Rule 2-28-3: " A loose ball is out of bounds when it touches anything, including a player or game offical, who is out of bounds."

>> Rule 4-3-1: "When a loose ball goes out of bounds, the out-of-bounds spot is fixed by the yard line where the foremost point of the ball crossed the sideline."

2) Where the ball was in last possession (the spot where he fumbled).

According to my interpretation of the rules, the spot where the run ended (where the player lost possession/fumbled), has no impact on this play. This would only be important if you had a penalty that needed to be enforced from the end of the run, but not for determining the dead ball spot of the ball for this play.

A live ball remains live until it is determined to be a dead ball by Rule 4-2 including Article 2b: "The ball becomes dead and the down is ended: When a live ball goes out of bounds."

Think about it, Rock. If a QB threw a backward pass over the back's head out of bounds, you wouldn't spot the ball where he threw from, would you? It would go back to the spot that the ball broke the plane of the sideline. Same application here. Make sense?
Thanks for correcting me. I do need a rule book.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 30, 2002, 03:56pm
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That would be awesome


Man, that sounds awesome. I can imagine that Philly would be a great place to call football games. I bet there are some good sized crowds there too.

Only one problem.... its entirely too damn cold up there for me. Don't get me wrong, I like a little crispness in the air. I don't even mind putting on longjohns and cold weather undergear. But when you start getting into gloves and eargaitors, then its too darn cold.

But all that football does sound pretty good to me.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 09:57am
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its not all that bad.(hahahhah)

most youth league rules that are modified from nfhs rules are little changes. the only rules i ever came across that was modified in youth ball was in 55 lb games all face masked are 10 yards, running clocks for points leads,time outs,extra point,(in out youth games a kick is 2 a run is 1), no number system,and whenever the qb is in a shot gun you have to get off the centers head no matter if the qb is in a 7 yard drop or not.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 01, 2003, 04:12pm
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Originally posted by DrMooreReferee
Andrew is correct, it is where the ball went out of bounds. The NCAA rules may be different from this. I am certainly not well versed in the NCAA rules, but I think it does have something to do with where it was last possessed.

NCAA rules state that if the ball is fumbled forward out of bounds between the goal lines it will be returned to the spot of the fumble. If the ball is fumbled backwards out of bounds it will be dead at the spor where it went out of bounds. This rule is to not allow teams to fumble forward to improve their position on the field.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 01, 2003, 04:41pm
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Is there a fourth down and/or last 2 minutes of half or game fumble provision in the NCAA book like in the pros?
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