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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 01:44pm
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Location: Palatine, IL
Posts: 103
bleeding player + injury question

What would you do if you placed the ball after a play and noticed there was a drop or two of blood on the ball. Then you identify the player with small cut bleeding on his elbow. Then you send the player to the sideline to get it covered up and the coach looks at it and says "he's fine, go back in". After telling the coach to cover the cut, he takes a time out, and is talking about how they have nothing but tape, and he does not was to cover the cut, he still claims in fine, with athletic tape? All the while the coach is telling you that there is no reason the cut needs to be covered up. When you tell the coach there was blood on the ball when I placed it RFP he said, well I'll just tape up you hands then to.

how would you guys handle this? I had the situation this weekend, and then in the 4th quarter, his best player (same one as with the cut) is laying on the ground not getting up holding his knee, so I call an officials timeout and call for the coach. The team in question it up by 28pts. During the time the coach comes onto the field, the player stands up (half way) and limps practically falling over towards the coach. The coach tells me he's fine and I should not have called him out, and I tell him he needs to go off for one play. The coach then proceeds to tell me that I need to learn what I am doing better because the player (who cannot stand straight or take a step without almost falling over) is fine. I make him leave for a play as I tell the coach I am looking out for the safety of the players on the field.

Would you guys have thrown a flag at the coach after incident #2? I just let is pass...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 02:13pm
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According to 3-5-10c you are required to send off a bleeding player to have the cut covered, the bleeding stopped and his body/uniform cleaned up. He must sit out a play and a TO won't buy his way back into the game. He can come back in without sitting a play if the halftime or OT intermission occurs.

As far as his knee injury, you called a TO for the player and he needs to leave for one down same as for his bleeding. It's your decision and that's final. He can be PO'd all he wants but you get the final say by taking the injury TO. If the coach is mouthing off to you then just ignore him. Don't flag him, don't go looking for trouble, just tell the coach he's off for a play and walk away.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 02:15pm
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Originally Posted by kdf5 View Post
According to 3-5-10c you are required to send off a bleeding player to have the cut covered, the bleeding stopped and his body/uniform cleaned up. He must sit out a play and a TO won't buy his way back into the game. He can come back in without sitting a play if the halftime or OT intermission occurs.

As far as his knee injury, you called a TO for the player and he needs to leave for one down same as for his bleeding. It's your decision and that's final. He can be PO'd all he wants but you get the final say by taking the injury TO. If the coach is mouthing off to you then just ignore him. Don't flag him, don't go looking for trouble, just tell the coach he's off for a play and walk away.
That's what I did, I just let it pass. The wing was going to flag but I said no. I did not let the player back in after a TO in situation 1. I was just annoyed that a coach would take offense at an injury situation.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 02:23pm
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What was your wing going to flag? If he was going to flag the coach for mouthing off then your wing needs to get thicker skin. You can't flag a coach for playing a hurt player. You only get to keep a player out for a play unless you deem him unconscious, then he needs a Dr's note to get back in.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 02:35pm
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Originally Posted by kdf5 View Post
What was your wing going to flag? If he was going to flag the coach for mouthing off then your wing needs to get thicker skin. You can't flag a coach for playing a hurt player. You only get to keep a player out for a play unless you deem him unconscious, then he needs a Dr's note to get back in.
Honestly, I think he needed to get a thicker skin, this was his first year, and I don't think he liked the coach. Personally, I just thought the situation was sad for the players. I mean everyone is competitive and it is winding down to the end of the season, but come on, if you are up 4 scores and there are 8 mins left, don't play a player who can hardly stand up and get him hurt worse. The funny thing about this is that I am usually one to give more time or the field than most for a player to "recover" from a hit or something, and this is what the coach complains about! I guess some people just like to complain.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 02:55pm
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"Coach, you see this thing around my neck? It's a whistle, not a stethoscope. And unless you're going to pay me like a doctor to be out here, you're gonna have to live with my decision. He's out for one play, end of discussion."
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 03:21pm
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I'd also require the ball be replaced.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 04:49pm
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If you even think a player is injured, you have the absolute authority, as well as the responsibility, to send him out for at least one play. The coach has no say in the matter, whatsoever.

It becomes his responsibility to check the player out before sending him back in. That much is pretty clearly spelled out, the presumption being that the team will do what is right to protect the student athlete.

Recognizing, and fully accepting, that we are not physicians nor usually have medical degrees, if a player you think is obviously not physically fit to continue in the game (and it would have to be pretty obvious) you are accepting an awful lot of foolish liability by allowing a player you have legitimate doubts about to continue playing, without further delay, examination and/or medical assurance from someone with more medical credentials than a coaching certificate.
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