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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 03:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 80
Does this sound reasonable? For Officials...

Dear Officials:

This is a copy of one of the emails we have received about our A-11 Offense. It is from an Referee in our state of California, please let me know if this sounds along reasonable lines - as you understand them to be.

Thanks again for your perspectives and I would really appreciate everybody keeping things clean and pleasant. Remember, all of us on here love the game of football.

* I have spoken with many Officials via phone or email who for their own personal reasons wish to remain anonymous - just as most of you on this site elect to do in this forum. Stay hidden for your own personal reasons.
__________________________________________________ _____________

Dear Coach Bryan,

As a football Official of nearly 25 years of high school experience, I would like to offer my opinion about your A-11 offense and the review it is likely to undergo at the annual NFHS rules committee meetings. I've had a great deal of experience working with a broad scope of people involved in rules discussions and interpretations.

To begin with, let me congratulate you and your coaching staff on the highly creative A-11 offense you designed and for the successful season you had in its first season of use. Truly a remarkable achievement especially given the average talent you work with at Piedmont (and I say that with the utmost respect to your players). It is known throughout the San Francisco bay area that Piedmont is an academic powerhouse but not a football haven.

My main points:

1. It is evident you and your staff did their homework in researching the NFHS rules and when you “discovered” a possible way to create a new offensive system in football, you proceeded to go through the proper steps and sought help sorting through everything from the NFHS and your state rules interpreter in the CIF.

2. The NFHS and the CIF are comprised of a very experienced stable of professionals who understand the rules of the game better than most. Obviously, since the A-11 did not trigger anyone at either organization to call it a “travesty” and they did not flag it for being "deceptive" or not within the “spirit” of the rules, the A-11 was granted the right to proceed. Please understand something you probably already know, an innovative concept like the A-11 was given a complete review inside and out prior to being approved.

3. That brings us to the present, and then what steps I believe will be taken moving forward regarding the A-11 offense.

4. Annually, the NFHS sends out questionnaires and collects feedback using other mediums from officials and some coaches regarding what egregious happenings have taken place on the gridiron during the previous season.

5. The NFHS reviews that information and accumulates all data necessary to build a case for keeping a rule intact, altering an existing rule or creating a new rule.

6. I’ve watched your team's video clips online and have had several discussions with my fellow officials here in the bay area regarding the A-11 offense. A few of those officials did have the opportunity to officiate your games this season and the response from them was generally favorable. The consensus was the A-11 requires officials to be “on their toes more” but it is certainly manageable.

7. Having been an official for quite some time it is fair to assume I have established good relationships with some football coaches in the region. Our talks cover an array of subjects and again the A-11 has been generally well received by your peers. But you probably already know that.

8. But, there are officials and football coaches who do not like the A-11 and no amount of information will change their view.

9. When the NFHS reviews the A-11 offense they will not simply “wipe the slate clean” with a knee-jerk reaction and automatically institute the NCAA scrimmage kick formation definition to try and further eliminate an offense like yours. The NFHS takes all things into consideration before implementing a change in the rules and their history clearly documents my point. Given the fact you previously had the A-11 approved prior to this past season of use, they will no doubt give it time to mature and unfold.

10. Rest assured the NFHS will watch the progress of the A-11 offense and the positive or negative impact it has on football. If it turns out the A-11 offense brings a respectable amount of favorable reaction and results from coaches, officials and the football community, it may very well be the A-11 offense has changed the game of football in an intriguing and positive fashion. If so, congratulations will be in order to you, your staff and your players.

11. However after a few seasons of use, if there is a myriad of well-documented cases involving coaches deliberately abusing the A-11 offense (cheating) or far, far too many officials making mistakes on the field because of it, then the NFHS will incorporate a rule like the one similar to the NCAA rule, in order to curb its use as any every down offense.

Personally, it will never cease to amaze me when I learn about the creative tactics football coaches develop to help their teams try and win more games.

Again, congratulations on your accomplishment and history will be the judge.

My warmest regards to you and yours,

An Official in California

Last edited by KurtBryan; Sun Dec 30, 2007 at 05:51pm.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 03:14pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
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If I was going to post an e-mail that supported EVERY idea I had given the discussion I would expect you to have the strength to include the officials name and e-mail address so we could check your source.

But alas, you have taken the "unattributed source" process where no one can confirm that you did not, with your own key board, write this ditty.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 03:20pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Location: On the border
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The more you pump up this offense, the more attention you will bring that might make this illegal. Keep up the good work.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 03:40pm
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Posts: 80
in closing

Dear Officials:

In the future, when asked to participate by Officials to explore and explain an idea or thought process behind something we at Piedmont are utilizing in the great game of football, I will gladly do so.

* I have spoken with many Officials via phone or email who for their own personal reasons wish to remain anonymous - just as most of you on this site elect to do in this forum. Stay hidden for your own personal reasons.

** Please do not denegrade our efforts during these discussions and in any way imply we create our own "ditty."

We are way beyond that.

And, this particular official was kind enough to call me direct, chat for almost one hour in advance of sending me his email and explaining his own reasons for keeping his name out of the loop.

And no offense, but his note does not marry all of our points at Piedmont, in fact, we think the A-11 is simply the next step in the evolution of the game and in no possible way should be outlawed because of what it offers the kids and the game.

Thanks again guys and best of luck.


Kurt Bryan

Last edited by KurtBryan; Sat Dec 29, 2007 at 06:46pm.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 03:50pm
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,539

All you are trying to do is make a sales pitch. We get it already. This is an official's forum, not one to sell your ideas to. Go to a coach’s forum that wants to discuss this kind of things. Or participate in rules discussions and officiating issues. All you are doing is spamming this site with your product and frankly it is time to move on to other topics. We get it; you think there are officials that like the offense. So freakin what. You are going to have at some point deal with other people that are not on this board and will one day change rules to make this illegal on many fronts. One anonymous email is not going to change that.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 05:04pm
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Dear Coach,

Is your e-mailer a reader of this or other forums? I ask because of his use of the terms "travesty", "deceptive" and "spirit", all of which have been addressed either here or on another site. Just to reiterate - your offense does not violate any rules are written. Some have asked if it creates a travesty of the game, which I do not feel it does. I do believe that it violates the spirit of the rules, which I have written about before.

The e-mailer's claim that it did not draw any flags is moot. As already mentioned there is nothing you are doing that violates any rules as currently written and I know of no procedure that allows us to flag a violation of the spirit of any rule.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 29, 2007, 05:32pm
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Posts: 80
let us agree to be respectful of other POV

Dear Officials:

To answer Walt ?

Yes, that Ref reads online forums and said it is how he learned about this topic being debated and he was most kind to take extra time/effort to point things out as they have been contended. And, I believe he meant "flag" as in after its pre-season review, the A-11 was allowed to be used in games.

But more importantly, not to worry, we have all listed our points quite well on this and other forums, and I believe the issue has had a good shelf life on this type of chat room.

I hope you all have an excellent New Year.

Thank you again.

Kurt Bryan

Last edited by KurtBryan; Sat Dec 29, 2007 at 06:43pm.
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