Originally Posted by MJT
NFL rule 12-2-12 BBW is prohibited by R players during a down in which there is a KO, safety kick, punt, FG attempt, or try kick.
During the entire down? That means there would be times when a player by punting could turn an opponent's action into a foul. But I bet if they try that, the officials simply "forget" there was a BBW. Or is it that R players aren't R players until there's been a kick?
Anyway, unless there's been a recent change in the NFL, players of team B have been prohibited since 1974 from BBW against eligible receivers lined up more than I forgot how far outside their tackles. Used to be fairly common, especially in the AFL, for corners to chop down WRs on the line that way. NFL adopted that before (IIRC) BBW was prohibited on kick plays. NCAA prohibited BBW following CoP a few years before NFL did.
What I'd like to know is which year NFL's prohibition on use of hands against eligible receivers downfield morphed into their "illegal use of hands, arms,
and body" rule. It was some time in the 1980s but they didn't advertise it. Does any major rules code still allow blocking downfield against an eligible receiver under the old strict rules of use of hands (i.e. close to body) in general circumstances?