Tonight freshman game. 2nd half close game home team just scores. Opposing coach after the kickoff is chirping in our HL ear. after the return he is just going on and on. i am the white hat blow it ready and all of sudden it is like a parachute coming from the sky. HL had enough and skyed an USC on the coach.
we march 15 yards and 1st and 25.
i asked hl couple plays later what was said/happened. he said he was just complaining about lack of holding calls, not consistent, missed a pass interference and on and on. HL warned him and finally had enough.
HL waited for the whistle to be a little more penal which i honestly agreed with.
His team punts and we are on the near hash to his sideline. He is still chirping and i overhear him saying he wants to talk to the white hat (me). hl says you can call a timeout but not to argue judgement only a ruling interpretation. he is mad and says to his assistant "make sure we call the high school union tomorrow i want this reported to them immediately."
i am laughing to myself now.
i ask the coach discretely over my shoulder, coach what is you concern or problem.
He says "I thought the only way i could get an unsporstmanslike conduct penalty was if i cursed/swore at an official. I dont think it is right i got one for not swearing"
Trying to stay focused on the upcoming play i replied "Coach there a plethora of things you can get a USC flag for but have time to explain all of them now"
Where do these guys come up with these things????