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Old Fri Sep 08, 2006, 01:23pm
rickref872 rickref872 is offline
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Originally Posted by Junker
I disagree. The coach wasn't asking questions, he was complaining. He was warned and kept going. If you warn a coach and don't follow through, that is when you end up with problems. Besides that, it's a 9th grade game, he should be coaching his players, not the officials.
So he was complaining. Why flag him for complaining? Coaches do this it is part of the game. As long as he is not busting out the personal insults etc why flag him. Yes if you are going to warn him you better trigger it. But I would not even have warned him that I would flag him. I would simply tell him that he has said his peace and we have heard him. 9 out 10 times this works. Waiting for RFP just to tack on 10 more yards is not professional. Tag him once and if he pipes up again tag him again if you are going that route.
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