REPLY: Jaysref...may I suggest that your mistake was more fundamental than whether the play was correctly called by your partner. You said in your post, "I felt something was wrong with this, but kept it for post game discussion." If you feel a mistake has been made in a misapplication of a rule, NEVER wait till halftime or after the game. Get your partner and the R together and express your concern. Chances are good that the R, who probably didn't see the play, would immediately know that this was whistled dead incorrectly and fix the problem using the IW procedures. Here's how I think you should have approached it: (1) Go to your partner and ask him what he saw. (2) If he saw the same thing as you, both of you bring it to the R. and R will sort it out. (3) If he did not see the same thing, still bring it to the R. He will ask the correct questions to get to the bottom of the issue.
If you have the September issue of
REFEREE magazine, there's an article entitled "
That's MY Call!" all about making calls outside of your area of responsibility. The author (a very good friend of mine

) interviewed a number of professional and D1 officials and supervisors. To a man, they all said that you never let an incorrect application of a rule go unchallenged. You may be wrong, but still get together and discuss it.