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What a fun Saturday.
9-10 year olds - we had at least 6 block-in-the-backs (most of which were borderline PF's), 5 or 6 more PF's, 3 or 4 USC's, one blatant RTP (on an interception, no less). On a long TD, had a PF BIB by defense, and as we're explaining to the coach after the XP, we generously got to add a USC on an assistant coach (kickoff from the 30). 2 plays before halftime, kid has hit the pile, but the pile is still moving slowly forward, so we don't stop it. Over the PA comes "These referees need to stop the play!" We run 1 more play and go to the Announcer - "You're here to announce the game, not provide commentary about the officials." This was delivered professionally, but to the point. His response - "If you let my son get hurt because you won't blow the whistle, you're going to have a lot of trouble from me." Buh-Bye. Should have had him walked to the parking lot, but didn't. |
We ejected a member of the chain crew a couple weeks ago.
"That's holding, throw you're f****** flag" See ya! Our WH has been officiating for over 25 years and he's never had a problem with one of these guys before. It was unbelievable. |
First quarter of a kids game yesterday I had to explain to the chain crew that they are an extension of the officiating crew and that they were not to comment or question what was happening on the field. Of course, my explanation might have come off sounding like harsh words to those that don't know me better. Simply put, I told them that they were there to do a job. Cheering is okay but I do not want to hear any 'coaching' from them and I certainly do not what to hear them question why we threw or didn't throw a flag.
About 30 years ago I did a JV basketball game and was later watching the varsity game. Suddenly, the visiting coach went to the scorer's table and grabbed the scorekeeper by his tie and yanked him across the table to give him an earful (to his face!). It seems the scorekeeper had been badmouthing the visitors as they came to the table to check into the game. |
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Alan Roper Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here - CPT John Parker, April 19, 1775, Lexington, Mass |
Actually, this league is pretty well run - both administrators and officials. This one game was an extreme exception. I've worked the same area PeeWees for 3 years, and have never had a game quite like this one.
I think part of the problem here was the coaches - they made a lot more negative noise than usual, which enabled their parents to do the same (this is the first time we considered asking admin to clear the sidelines, although we decided against it). So the parents acting that way enabled the kids. Don't these folks have any clue that they are an example to the kids on the field? (I know - the obvious answer is no). [Edited by mcrowder on Oct 26th, 2004 at 09:35 AM] |
Needless to say, the AD of the home school was very embarrassed, and by his actions it was clear that this type of thing had happened before with this guy. |
Try ejecting a waterboy......see what reaction that gets.
During an injury timeout we allowed water to the remaining players and the "waterboy"/coach came in and was coaching. We told him to get to his sideline or give water only. And after that he asked what we could do about it, so we showed him. |
NCAA I think we can't eject anyone except a player or substitute - except I guess by asking the game administration to remove the person, which would work agains a drunk fan, but against a 'coach' in NCAA we don't have any way to get rid of them - or can someone correct me? Oh, for fighting maybe... Otherwise? James |
Wow - you ejected him? Wow. I'd have charged him with a timeout if he continued coaching during an injury timeout. If they were out, maybe you have delay of game. Sounds like he was belligerent, and if he crossed a line, perhaps I could see USC in this case.
But ejection? Wow. Seems a bit harsh. |
The Principal?
Ma'am, I have been officiating HS FB for 20+ years. If you don't leave the sidelines and return to the stands; you will be the first HS Principal I will have ejected from a game.
Be careful about ejecting administrators from a game. That's a no-no in some states, unless the officials can prove to the state association that the administrator was "abusive or beligerant", etc. I was frustrated at an administrator (and yes, it was my principal) once while keeping score for a basketball game (I was the home book, therefore the official book) because his actions were right in front of me and distracting. The referee asked the administrator to take it to the end of the bench or in the hallway, otherwise leave the gym. The administrator looked at the referee, and said, if I leave, the state will have a word with you. A few days later, I was given a memo from this administrator, with a copy of a memo from the state association. Lo and behold, it stated that an administrator cannot be kicked out for something simple as this. It stated that it would have to be an "egregarious" (I know I spelled that wrong!) act to justify ejection. I was like, great, the principal can do little **** like this and I have to endure it. Of course, the principal and I had a little bit of a history and the years I had to endure him were some of the worse in my professional life.
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