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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 14, 2016, 11:29pm
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in K's EZ

NFHS: Here are a few to think through:

1. A/K on own 2 yard line 4/10. Punter waiting for snap as he stands very close to end line. As ball is snapped punter steps back out of the EZ and then back in, then catches the snap and punts it to K25 yd line, where R makes fair catch. score K-10, R-7 and time expires in the 4th qtr during the down.

2. A/K on own 2 yard line 3/10. Punter stays inbounds in his own EZ, but snap is high and punter jumps up and bats the ball forward out of the EZ into field of play to the 1yd line where A/K26 recovers and is downed.

3. Same down and distance as above. Low snap, ball skips on ground towards punter who is in his own EZ, he kicks it off the ground to K35 yd line where it is returned for an apparent TD by R. But during the return R55 blocks K12 in back at K10 yd line.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 15, 2016, 09:19am
Archaic Power Monger
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Originally Posted by whitehat View Post
NFHS: Here are a few to think through:

1. A/K on own 2 yard line 4/10. Punter waiting for snap as he stands very close to end line. As ball is snapped punter steps back out of the EZ and then back in, then catches the snap and punts it to K25 yd line, where R makes fair catch. score K-10, R-7 and time expires in the 4th qtr during the down.
By rule, Illegal Participation. Enforce from the spot of the foul which results in a safety. The period is not extended for a foul that results in a safety. (3-3-4b5).

Either way, the game is over.

2. A/K on own 2 yard line 3/10. Punter stays inbounds in his own EZ, but snap is high and punter jumps up and bats the ball forward out of the EZ into field of play to the 1yd line where A/K26 recovers and is downed.
Foul for illegally batting a backward pass forward. (9-7-3) The spot of the foul is the endzone so accepting the penalty will result in a safety.

3. Same down and distance as above. Low snap, ball skips on ground towards punter who is in his own EZ, he kicks it off the ground to K35 yd line where it is returned for an apparent TD by R. But during the return R55 blocks K12 in back at K10 yd line.
Foul for illegal kicking by K. Since there was a change of possession and R got the ball with clean hands, they can accept K's foul which will result in a double foul. Offset and replay the down.

Otherwise Team R can decline Team K's foul to keep the ball. The penalty for their foul will be enforced from the K-10. 1st and 10 for R at the K-20. They will probably take this option. Clock on the snap.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 15, 2016, 11:28am
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Nice work Welpe! That was too easy for you :-) Sometimes in the heat of battle these kind can be foggy and confusing but thinking through them in advance can help!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 15, 2016, 11:43am
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Originally Posted by whitehat View Post
Nice work Welpe! That was too easy for you :-) Sometimes in the heat of battle these kind can be foggy and confusing but thinking through them in advance can help!
I had an illegal kick in the end zone this year -- snap went over the P head and was kicked off the ground out of the back of the end zone. Flag came out immediately. Going over these plays over and over again makes you ready even if you haven't had them before.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 15, 2016, 06:21pm
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A/K on own 2 yard line 4/10. Punter waiting for snap as he stands very close to end line. As ball is snapped punter steps back out of the EZ and then back in, then catches the snap and punts it to K25 yd line, where R makes fair catch. score K-10, R-7 and time expires in the 4th qtr during the down.
NCAA: Legal play; game is over.

A/K on own 2 yard line 3/10. Punter stays inbounds in his own EZ, but snap is high and punter jumps up and bats the ball forward out of the EZ into field of play to the 1yd line where A/K26 recovers and is downed.
NCAA: Foul for illegal batting of a backward pass by Team A. Safety.

Same down and distance as above. Low snap, ball skips on ground towards punter who is in his own EZ, he kicks it off the ground to K35 yd line where it is returned for an apparent TD by R. But during the return R55 blocks K12 in back at K10 yd line.
NCAA: Foul by team A for illegally kicking the ball. Foul by Team B after the change in possession for the block in the back. Team B may decline Team A's foul and accept possession on the A20. Otherwise, penalties offset and the down if replayed.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 12:05pm
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Aggie, curious about "legal play" on #1 for NCAA. Can a player step out of bounds and then back in and participate/touch the ball without it being Ill participation?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 01:06pm
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Technically #1 is illegal in NCAA as well, but it's not illegal participation. (There is no 15 yard illegal participation in NCAA anymore.) By the letter of the rule, the punter has fouled because no member of the kicking team may go out of bounds and return in bounds (unless blocked out) during a scrimmage kick down. But the spirit of this rule is for gunners going downfield to cover a kick, not for a punter who accidentally goes out of bounds before he even kicks it. In "test world" this is a five yard penalty that can be enforced either at the previous spot or where the dead ball belongs to B. In "real world", this is nothing.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 01:50pm
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Originally Posted by Legacy Zebra View Post
Technically #1 is illegal in NCAA as well, but it's not illegal participation. (There is no 15 yard illegal participation in NCAA anymore.) By the letter of the rule, the punter has fouled because no member of the kicking team may go out of bounds and return in bounds (unless blocked out) during a scrimmage kick down. But the spirit of this rule is for gunners going downfield to cover a kick, not for a punter who accidentally goes out of bounds before he even kicks it. In "test world" this is a five yard penalty that can be enforced either at the previous spot or where the dead ball belongs to B. In "real world", this is nothing.
Interesting. What if he wants to take advantage of this, and shifts into a position behind his end line, waiting for the snap? And what if he catches the snap while his feet are off the ground, last having touched OOB, and then touches in bounds as he completes his steps to punt?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 03:38pm
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Originally Posted by Robert Goodman View Post
Interesting. What if he wants to take advantage of this, and shifts into a position behind his end line, waiting for the snap? And what if he catches the snap while his feet are off the ground, last having touched OOB, and then touches in bounds as he completes his steps to punt?
2nd question. In NCAA you need to reestablish position inbounds to be considered in bounds. So in the instance he steps out and has not returned in bounds there would be a safety for being OOB.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 03:41pm
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Then we have an illegal formation for a player being out of bounds at the snap. The ball is dead as soon as he touches it since he is an out of bounds player touching a loose ball. Since his team is responsible for the ball being behind their goal line, it is a safety. The ILF can be enforced from the previous spot or declined and B gets 2 points.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 16, 2016, 04:33pm
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Thanks NCAA fellers :-)
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