Originally Posted by SCalScoreKeeper
Good luck  let us know how it goes.
Thank you- and, it went well. Very well. Better than I expected, actually. I'm not gonna lie to you men and women on this board- I was nervous. No, check that- I was scared. But, at the end of the game I found myself wanting more.
Again, I was scared. But, thanks to many, many resources, all of which I have availed myself of exhaustively, it went very well. I engaged early, got what I needed to, and, above all, learned a lot and retained it. Stayed and watched the JV mens game, then went home and made my notes.
Many thanks to all those on this board- I don't post a whole lot, but I read the board daily and have a lot of respect and gratitude for those who have made the avocation of officiating what it is today.
/again, many thanks.