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APG Mon May 06, 2013 03:00pm

T or no T
Again courtesty of the Desert Valley Basketball Officials Association (so Brad, that means about 15-20 seconds of dead time ;))

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Welpe Mon May 06, 2013 03:09pm

Looks like he had a word with her to knock it off. I'm fine with that approach. If it's the cherry on top of a lot of bad behavior that might be enough to whack but I'd have to be there to know for sure.

justacoach Mon May 06, 2013 03:11pm

Definitely earned at least a yellow card!:eek:

Raymond Mon May 06, 2013 03:13pm

New Lead did right in making her get the ball. Now, on the kick, if she is someone who has been an headache previously I would T as soon as she put foot to ball.

#olderthanilook Mon May 06, 2013 03:19pm

That girl has an ATTITUDE. Set the ball down...retrieve it by rolling it with her foot making the official pick it up....slowly walk in front of him and the FT shooter just to finish her point of disgust wit the call.


Bad Zebra Mon May 06, 2013 03:30pm

Definitely a brief discussion as she saunters by...good move to have her retrieve it initially. As a singular act, I don't see it rising to a T-worthy level.

BillyMac Mon May 06, 2013 04:07pm

867-5309 ...
I would definitely be keeping an eye of #32 for the rest of the game. Anything marginal, will be called. Anything. She's one of those knuckleheads that we keep talking about here on the Forum. Being a sexist pig, I usually think of knuckleheads as being male, but, in reality, they do present themselves as different genders.

Nevadaref Mon May 06, 2013 04:09pm


I will be shocked if anyone who responds to this thread takes the position that this behavior by a player is acceptable.

The only reason that it continues to occur is that officials fail to penalize it.
We are our own worst enemy sometimes.

Adam Mon May 06, 2013 04:11pm

Nevada, when are you calling the T? When she puts the ball down or when she pushes it to you with her foot?

Nevadaref Mon May 06, 2013 04:13pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 893060)
I would definitely be keeping an eye of #32 for the rest of the game. Anything marginal, will be called. Anything.

That's not the appropriate or professional manner to handle this.
Never allow your judgment on decisions to be influenced by anything. That compromises the integrity of the game.
Recommending that anything marginal from this player in the future will be a foul is an unfair way to officiate. Just take care of business and penalize the unsporting act when it occurs and then continue officiating the remainder of the contest in your normal manner.

Nevadaref Mon May 06, 2013 04:26pm


Originally Posted by Adam (Post 893062)
Nevada, when are you calling the T? When she puts the ball down or when she pushes it to you with her foot?

Since both actions are unacceptable and against the rules, it really doesn't matter, but I feel that if there hasn't been a whistle before she kicks the ball, then one is certainly needed at that time. Everyone in the gym sees that and it slights the officiating crew and is an affront to the game overall.

Personally, it would come down to which position I had on the court. If I am next to this player, then my whistle sounds when she puts the ball down and walks away. If my partner is over there and chooses to instruct her to retrieve the ball, then I'm staying out of it until she elects to kick it. At that point I'm charging a T from anywhere on the court.

RefAHallic Mon May 06, 2013 04:30pm

If this was the first act, wouldn't a game delay warning work? I'm sure the official didn't tell #32 to go back to the ball and kick it over to me. If this is in addition to other knucklehead conduct then spank her with a technical.

rockyroad Mon May 06, 2013 04:30pm

In this situation she should have been T'd as soon as she placed the ball on the floor. It is obvious that the new L is asking her for the ball as she does that, so go ahead and ring her up.

APG Mon May 06, 2013 04:42pm


Originally Posted by RefAHallic (Post 893067)
If this was the first act, wouldn't a game delay warning work? I'm sure the official didn't tell #32 to go back to the ball and kick it over to me. If this is in addition to other knucklehead conduct then spank her with a technical.

Under NFHS rules, there are only four situations under which you can issue a delay of game warning. This is not one of them.

AremRed Mon May 06, 2013 05:12pm


Originally Posted by #olderthanilook (Post 893049)
...slowly walk in front of him and the FT shooter just to finish her point of disgust wit the call.

It doesn't seem like she is doing that intentionally, she is heading to her bench the shortest route possible.

Also, I want to know what kind of girl's JV uses a shot clock??

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